I agree it’s pretty much baked into the game, I just got to thinking how some of it plays out specifically during BfA, and its mimicking to even some somewhat recent events (though I won’t get into specifics) and how the media covered them.
Something I’d add to my original post too is how even the genocide of the night elves, the crime which cements Sylvanas as the bad guy, is something which the Alliance eerily lets happen (with a load of excuses baked in ofc “bad intel” etc) before they act.
NATO/America has a history of themselves staging, provoking, or even covertly supporting a massacre or riot which they then turn around and use as an excuse for further funding from their governments for wars and bombings.
It was making me a little more sympathetic towards Sylvanas, not as she is in-universe (obviously a villain), but with the figures she may happen to be representative of. Her speech from Hallows End someone posted, and one of her speeches from Silverpine, got me thinking about it.