BfA Ink Trader

Yes, that’s how it always has been. current inks swap for old inks. I saw the vendor. Very happy with it

I don’t think you understand (or didn’t actually read what this topic was about)… the current live ink vendor doesn’t (and never has) taken bfa inks in trade. We went through all of bfa having to go back and farm Legion herbs to mill for ink to trade for old inks.

Basically Blizz forgot to update the ink vendor for bfa and ignored posts like this for the whole expansion.

No i DO understand that which is why im happy that a vender is coming. But in the past a vendor used current herbs to convert to old ones. the current one doesnt. SL one will

Ah ok, your post made it sound like you thought Blizzard didn’t make a mistake during bfa. Thankfully it’s being corrected in SL… it’s just a testament to the s-show bfa was that they didn’t even bother to fix the ink trader throughout the entire expansion.

I know its been painful having to muck about to get sallow pigments etc. So glad for the new vendor

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sallow pigment isnt on the new vendor neither are any of the bfa inks

In oribos there is. All the current inks and old ones

that makes sense but does not fix the problem that we are currently having that none of these mats are available on the vendors in other major cities like org and dal

Thats true. Ive run out of a few inks but sadly just have to wear it atm. I would imagine a fair few people will run out of inks over the next week or 2

Nope, if they havent put an ink trader in by now, they arent gonna do it.

um there is an ink trader…