BFA had the best story of any expansion ever

I found the story enjoyable and compelling to me. I know it was controversial and I know others loathed it. It’s all good in my eyes - no judgment. Too each their own and all that jazz.

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100% agreed. The Faction divide hasn’t made sense for years. That was the entire plot of MoP ffs. It’s time for the divides and conflicts in WoW to reflect the lore of the game.


Yeah, sadly at Blizzcon they shot that one down hardcore. sighs

The least they could do if they’re going to maintain an artificial player divide that makes no sense is to stop having the plot of every expansion point out how stupid it is.


This resonates so strongly with me. When I saw the cinematic with Thrall and Jaina, and them talking about ending the cycle because they’re different, I was so excited. I thought “The next expansion will finally end the dumb faction war! Just imagine the possibilities!”

Nope. Nothing changed. Nothing. Changed. At. All.

The symbolism is lost when it’s not translated to gameplay. Why do I care that the “cycle/fourth war is over” when it doesn’t affect me whatsoever? What was even the purpose of putting that in? Oh, it has no purpose? Just some smoke and mirrors to seem like things will finally change when in reality they’re likely setting up the leader of the Mag’har to be the next Warchief Piñata?

Deep breath…

They broadcasted this expansion as a faction war expansion. They failed.

They threw in Azshara in the Warbringers videos for make her seem strong and dangerous. They failed.

They’ve built N’Zoth up for expansions only for us to DBZ zap him out of existence in a cringeworthy and dreadful cinematic. They failed.

Sorry…I tend to get worked up about this expansion’s story and can go on rants for hours about it.

Whispers you brought him up, I stand by he should never have died.

He didn’t…what? He got her in the eye and she lashed out in anger, over emotional yet again for someone dead. And then she…whisped her way out of there? Which also made no sense, mind you, but regardless…

Look, if you like the story, power to you. It has far too many glaring flaws and absolutely tone deaf decisions for it to ever pass as even a 6th grader’s fan fiction to me, but to each their own.


But that’s not BfA story. I agree. I hated how underused he was. But that’s Legion writing. BfA has to use the character they way he IS. And it did a good job of it. And it turned the plot-hole of why he made Sylvanas WC into a thread that future expansions can build off. Considering what we’re told about his nature, maybe SL will give us a way to bring him back permanently.

So the problem is you just can’t follow the plot? He got her to expose herself as a traitor in front of the entire Horde- both the rebels and her loyalists. She lost. Just ask Bannerbae what her side-eye meant. He knew he was going to die. He never had ANY hope of beating her 1v1. His entire goal was to goad her and get her to **** up so bad that she couldn’t stay as Warchief.

Saurfang. Won.

Everything from her after “The Horde is NOTHING!” was setup for Shadowlands.

Blizz didn’t give the Alliance any clue what was happening in Nazmir or Vol’dun.
Witches in Drustvar was boring as hell. Pirates in Tiragarde was boring as hell. Water wizards in Stormsong Valley was boring as hell.
We confronted Azshara in 1 patch, after leading up to her since Vanilla basically.
We dealt with N’zoths entire army in 1 patch.
You know what also took ‘1’ patch? Killing the Night King in 1 episode and we all know everyone hated that.


Because of BFA, I, a vulperan was accepted into horde. Now my kind are everywhere OwO


C’thun? Yogg-Saron? Ragnaros? Ragnaros again? Argus? Sargaras? Archimond? Elisandre?

N’Zoth isn’t a “take 3 expansions to deal with him” villain. That would make no sense. N’zoth’s power is such that you either kill him before he consolidates or you lose.

N’zoth’s power is also such that if you don’t kill him immediately then you need to do a Cata-style rework of the entire game every expansion. Except not just EK & Kalimdor, but Northrend, Pandaria, the Broken Isles, KT, and Zandalar.

“Wouldn’t it be cool if…” Yes. It would be cool to be in a Old God nightmare Azeroth! But this is an MMO, not a TV series. It’s not possible to pull it off. You cant just rebuild one or two sets and have an establishing wide-angle shot of the world to show the change. It would cost you not just one raid tier. It would cost ALL the raid tiers.


The story in BFA was terrible compared to the other expansions. It was all over the place and just boring tbh. Hopefully Shadowlands redeems this yawn fest of an expansion.

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Not true of any of those bosses on so many accounts, but whatever

Doesn’t matter how good the story is if the game itself is bad. This isn’t a novel, it’s a video game.

OP is on crack.

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Consider that having a quantity of story threads doesn’t give any of them enough time to breath, thus making each and every plot feel short, overly condensed, and not enjoyable. Comparing BFA to any of the previous expansions, they had focus and that focus helped us understand the direction of those stories.

Where as Legion was all about putting down the Legion threat, or Cataclysm where the main focus was ending the threat that was Deathwing, or Wrath of the Lich King where all we were worried about was the threat of undeath… What can we say was the main point of Battle for Azeroth?

Battle for Azeroth. Are we fighting each other? The Old Gods? Naga? Each other in our own faction? The answer is yes. To all of those. It means that no story gets a proper introduction or send off.

This is the source of disappointment.

World ending threat in Sargeras’ sword? Forget about it. Corruption working into everything from the shadows? Nuke it. Banshee Queen playing us all like pawns? She’s gone.

It’s like every thread just slams into a wall and now we’re left to wonder what happened until another book releases or we get another tweet retroactively explaining what point they were trying to get across.


Did you pay any attention to the lore surrounding Arthas and his rise to power? WoTLK was the finale to the “original” story of the Warcraft series which was released in 1994. That game was what, nearly 15 years in the making at that point?

You have no idea what you’re talking about and sound like someone who auto-accepts every quest and blazes through each expansion, using only dungeons and raids to guide your gameplay. BFA is this crazy, action packed story because they spoonfed the story to you in a linear fashion where you’re forced to complete the entire story before you’re allowed to enter the new content.

You have only completed 27% of the quest achievements. Why does this not surprise me?

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tells us to grow up while ranting about a video games story lol


I don’t. Catherine made me mad. What kind of a dumb parent turns on their child like that?

What a toad she was. No wonder Jaina’s a dreadlord.


Umm… Arthas was in Orcs & Humans? Cool story, bud.

Six. WC3 came out in 2002, Wrath came out in 2008.


So I do all the quests, but not doing all the quests surprises you? People who agree with you wish you’d stop talking because you make them look bad.

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The OP reads like a clickbait article on one of those spam sites. Just listing the things that happened or were featured and not exploring whether they were good or not.