BfA Experience Changed

Your thinking is just wrong on this one. Nearly every pet battle offered the opportunity to level your pets AND collect the reward. Not sure what you are missing about that.

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I don’t make these decisions. Talk to the devs. Perhaps they felt that we1 were leveling too quickly and they didn’t want use going from 1 to 9 with a single pet battle and a carry pet that does absolutely nothing in battle.

I don’t know what to tell you. I’m not especially bothered by this. Nothing I have needs urgently to be leveled. I prefer to wait for Squirt or Sir Galveston to level my pets.

Although I did notice that the Gnomeregan pet dungeon was a pretty good place to level pets last week, but when I did it this week, the experience was bad, so I guess that got hit with the nerf bat, too.

There is literally no other game with a dev team SO out of touch with their players. If it wasn’t for this being such a great game I would have quit due to the garbage changes the Blizzard dev team INEVITABLY makes with every announcement they spew from their lips. Way to break another perfectly fine feature of the game guys.

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