BFA concept was what we wanted

I didnt want BfA. I didnt want the War of Thorns or whatever they called it.


They do it every other expatiation now and every time people say no. It’s a prime example is of stupidity.


I hear the faithful drank Jim Jones cool-aid too.

I don’t consider people who put their entire years vacation at Blizzcon as normal WoW players. Yes I worked with people who went, but most of those had family who worked in Austin or CA. They never went before that.


Or, it could be something at least half of the player base will not do.

If PvP was so popular in WoW, the devs would not have to bribe players to do it. You can’t have a faction war when 99% of one faction will not play that faction war stuff.

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Personally, I don’t really care for the constant war. I don’t even like PVP anymore.


The entire purpose of BfA was generated by Sylvanas Windrunner, in order to kill as many on both sides as she could in order to further her work for the Jailer. It’s almost a fake faction war because neither side really wanted it after Legion.

I would much rather we fight to save our world against a common enemy. Reminds myself once more of why Wrath was such a good expansion…


If faction war was what people wanted I guess? I didn’t want it. I will admit it that I’m a part of that cinematic being watched as many times as it was lol! It’s a good cinematic, and we see Anduin and the alliance standing up against the horde! I liked the part Anduin heals everybody. Sylvanas is strong sure and her moment when she goes banshee was super cool! The old soldier cinematic made her moment seem fake then so going back I wanna slap her when she yells that.

Well pvp is actually really popular right now so at least half of the player-base would be interested. Just because you’re not does not mean others are not. Yes some people play this game only to pve, but that is not the issue because there will always be pve content. However pvp content has been around since vanilla and it has evolved to the point where it is very competitive and now they balance the game around pvp. Also i agree with him that it’s very off-throwing to make a faction war themed expansion without very much faction war content to do in pvp

I don’t think faction war will be a focus ever again, I mean, Thrall/Jaina/Baine/Anduin are all besties now for one. We’d need someone else to go off the deep end.

Maybe it’s the alliance’s turn to have a crazy leader. Tyrande would work.

I prefer things to be ‘peaceful’ and to work together fighting something else though.

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I am thinking Turalyon might pull an AU Yrel and goo light crazy.

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Pretty sure that sums up all of wow.

I wish I could read more of this persons comments to see how many times I can say “wtf is it trying to say”

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Lol, i cant tell if theyre trolling, RPing a troll, or just not an english speaker.

I was stoked to have no Big Bad, just duke it out with each other. I don’t know why I’m surprised they failed on delivering that, but I was.

These writers are just… not good.

Except when we work together to kill N’zoth. And Argus. And Archimonde. And Garrosh. And Deathwing. So, yes, but also no.

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Lol exactly, I want to see more so I can make some type of determination about it. Too bad the account is private

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The best thing they could do for the story is reset back to the end of legion and give us the bfa that was actually advertised.

Wow blizz fanboys went nuts for a new expansion trailer, color me surprised

Like we now KNOW she doesn’t care about the horde. That moment really didnt stick out to you? It felt soo out of character for her.


I’m doing Loremaster stuff now and I am surprised how much I forgot about this game and how much both factions help each other even just out in the world questing, it’s surprisingly dumb having 2 factions when most of the game is both factions working together.


A good story needs wins and losses for both sides. They implemented the opposite with only horde losing and no back and forth. Imagine star wars where the death star just destroys the rebel base in the original movie. Thats kind of what bfa was like the horde lost sylvanas, nathanos, king r and saurfang. While alliance lose nothing.

“we wanted”

Speak for yourself mate, myself and many others want the exact opposite: the end of this stupid bs that is faction wars in wow. We have enough WAR to fill the WARcraft part of the name with the dozens of enemy factions that appear every new patch to try and destroy the universe, we’re at a point in the lore that it simply makes no sense for the two big factions to hate each other anymore unless Blizzard just goes on and creates some dumb reason like pretty much BFA, a war for the sake of war so faction enmity can still happen.