Better community

Well Ard, best you stop looking for fights.


ok no more from me no more positivity no more trying to build community no more give aways no more cats one less good folk community :wave:

It’s disingenuous to suggest its only one group of people whose responsible for the latter thread closures.

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So, you’re saying your disingenuous because you were only blaming one side for the first thread being deleted?

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Playing the blame game isn’t going to net you public Btags or bring about radical change to the forum functionality.


CM’s did say they are working on something, give it time, be patient they have a plan.

See burrito kitty is being patient.

It seems every month there is a new update, just be patient.


Wouldn’t it be nice to ignore the player all at once, rather than one character at a time?


How? What?

Can’t make a post without offering at least one thought/idea.

No because then people would dob me in when i post on an alt even if i wasn’t talking to them

Oh, I had people do it to me, don’t see me complaining. Don’t want people to know your alts on the forums, don’t post from an alt. Stick with one forum posting toon, and you’ll have nothing to worry about.



That almost sounds like a threat.

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In all reality, you don’t know the full reason as to why the thread got locked or the other 2 threads got 404’d so really this just a bold claim.

In the first thread, it was both sides being toxic that got it shut down.

How exactly?


Implies something bad will happen if they do.

Forum rules are there to reign in behavior, not to be used a bludgeon to beat down others.


I’m just not taking their bait. All they are doing is trolling.


Hello, I see you posted a thread about community. Haha, that weird Blood Elf Demon Hunter that was constantly screaming at people in Battletag threads is now posting on some female Gnome Mage! That dude has some severe issues, haha!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

Whenever i see these post

Can other people turn off another persons Free will?

Thankfuly, you can block them easily. :slight_smile:

Heck, i don’t even have to block. My addon does the blocking for me. :laughing:

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I will ask again, how exactly?

If you don’t want your alts to be shown in the btag format where you can still swap characters but share a post history across the board then don’t post on them but then your characters can already be found without battle tags.

I had someone found my alts already without the use of btags.

Me asking for btags is not wanting to beat down others.

All I want is to have one voice, one like and a set of flags and actually think about what they say over swapping to an alt, post 404 content and then swap back to their forum main like nothing happen.

If he pops up here, he is going to be back on my ignore.

Just proof as to why btags are needed.


Here. It implies a form of disrespect. Which sets a negative tone.