Better community

Looks like this thread will go same way as others because once again certain trolls of the main four anti battle taggers aren’t being ignored when we all know they just like to alt hop and shut down any thread they hate all to keep trolling.


What? I’ll have talk to them. They’re supposed to be playing nice at the nursery

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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I dunno the reason, and I am appealing the decission either the locked one, or the thread removed via a ticket.

But I do find it disturbing that we have had High Elf threads that went on for so long, with far more toxicity than the BTag threads mind you, and all being completely duplicates as well, spamming the forums, being allowed on the forums, but a thread about BattleTags isn’t.

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hope you get your post back /salute

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Please understand that if they actually 404ed it, and did not just hide it, chances are low you can get it back. I don’t think the ones they actually delete can be restored.


It is hard to say the reasoning.

For the one we had, that got so big it broke some functions of the forums (in a good way, sometimes!), I could understand locking it due to the toxicity from both sides beginning to get out of hand. Or locking and unlisting it with the intention of bringing it to Blizzard’s attention! But… if the latter is the case, why not add a Blue post on there stating as much, so that we know we do not need to make replacement threads for the issue thinking the last ones were locked or removed due to toxicity or issues?

And if the other ones are getting deleted due to flag bombing or toxicity - shouldn’t that signal some issues that need to be looked into and dealt with?

I don’t know. At any rate, here for further support of Btags/account-wide ignores/better forum options for privacy and security in general! Least until they maybe decide to nuke this one too, for some unknown reason.

And good luck with the appealing, Ayu!


They can, but if it is removed for a reason, then I do have to respect the decision by the moderators for why it was removed. But I’m hoping more to get the 14k thread unlocked most of all, instead of a new thread. Keeping the original thread going.


That sounds fair, right?

However, every WoW account has the ability to make 159 more posting characters without deleting a single one of them. That’s a lot of putting “people” on ignore.


As someone who has been banned multiple times for complete nonsense, these forums needs less moderation and not more thanks.

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Slightly doubtful it was “complete nonsense” every time, but… to give benefit of the doubt - that sounds like rather than

we need better moderation.

Human moderation, rather than over-reliance on automation based on flags which can and are abused by single accounts utilizing 160 characters as they see fit. A better flagging system, or easier report system, as well - give us the option to actually say why we’ve flagged a post, so that moderators can see what the issue was, the context of the issue, and how best to approach it with such information. It would be much better than blindly searching or having zero context for someone’s posts or reactions, imo.


thankfully, everyone has the option to not share those things.



I drink, post, and regret. However, some people here miss that last part on the daily.

We do. Be good if they used info from us for understanding why we flag

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Account wide ignore is the easiest solution at this point.


Soooo ppl making fun of minorities, constantly bringing up the worst side of politics, silly women jokes, fart jokes, sexual harassment jokes, and random leveling/guild/boosting spam is what you want on the forums?? Why???

Seriously though, I don’t know what happy bubble you live in in-game, but I’d like to come, because people act awful af in-game and have zero fear of being punished for crap they say in-game.
Not too long ago I literally watched a guy joke about grape without the g, in LFG chat in-game. I’m all fine with a little blunt humor, but joking about grape in regards to chicks?!?! That’s a bit much fam. Doubt much happened to him since I continued to see him afterwards. That same dude would never make a grape thread on the forum though, they’d fear punishment.

So I don’t understand thinking in-game is the way the forums should be, like - whaaat? The forums are far less awful and abusive than in-game. I’d like them to address in-game first and actually start taking that seriously - which they never have. The only Blizzard game I know that started semi taking toxicity seriously in-game was OW1…but that was before they decided to let the game die for 2+ years, which it then descended into OG CSGO level of toxicity.

It’s also not just a WoW/WoW-forum issue, it’s a gaming/internet issue. People get online and even though they’re losers, dorks, and captains of mediocrity irl, they put on a mask and persona online and try to out do each other by cosplaying the cringiest streamer-persona they can put on. You experience that on all games and all corners of the internet. To be honest, out of all the big name games atm WoW is probably the better experience because while old people get online and suddenly try to act like stupid high schoolers too - it’s still not as bad as actual high schoolers and college kids that dominate the demographics of other games.


I steamroll draenei.

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They need timely and consistent moderation. With the ability to add a note to the report so the moderator understands context.

We have human moderation. The only thing that is automated is the “grey” function of a reported post where it makes you click to read and sends a notice to the person. Any actual removal of posts, threads, or suspensions is done by the actual human mods. The Code of Conduct is very family friendly. No profanity, masked profanity, slurs, insults/trolling, advertising, spam, etc. Also has to be WoW related, although the past few years they seem to tolerate a few more lounge or social type threads.

They should though. Thread after thread appear on the CS forums with people positively shocked that they got reported and suspended for it. Someone was complaining in game Trade tonight about a Silence for a week they got.

Funny, the “your report resulted in action” notice showed up in game finally today. I had a stack that must have been from the past 3 or 4 months! There were 20 of them. Mostly RMT sellers that I reported probably.


yeah, I was pushing it with my work from home thread. Not strictly about WoW and fortunately didn’t descend into personal attacks

I bet many thread of the social/off topic would be fine if the threads were made in honesty and it didn’t get derailed by angry people looking for a fight. When I was younger, I had this idea that other people online were non-persons.

I know better now and try to picture a person behind each thread. Never know who it could be. Even when they upset me; I’ve learned to either just stop responding or to steer things away.

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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I think the lounge type of threads are alright, as long as they aren’t breaking the forum Code of Conduct.


As long as people are looking for a fight then this community can’t handle public Btags.

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