Better community

Maybe, maybe not. Some people most assuredly deserve to be ignored though. Sorry, not sorry.

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I say we let the topic rest through the week end and pick up the cause next week .

It’ll give us all a few days away from eachother.

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I’m trying to either get the megathread unlocked, or get the new thread restored, though it is just a matter on waiting for the ticket to be responded.


Then you should probably disconnect from the internet. Nothing you do online, on any site, goes unnoticed.


I agree as long as it wouldn’t include battletags.

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I admire the strength of your convictions even if we are on opposing sides

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Pretty sure they hire a small army of people just to track others browsing preferences for more $$$.

/furballs :rofl:

You’ve just described literally every company and corporation with an internet presence.

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Thanks for calling out my Furbolg alt

now get help?

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I like your outfit. I have it on freeze because I’m all out of tendies.

I actually didnt have anyone detect my classic alts but i got bored so decided to come back to Lilithia.

If people want to name and shame me for things ten years ago that’s fine but i choose ti be a model citizen now

Actually it would be better for a return of a thumbs down on the forum instead of making everyone feel special with their obnoxious post. The report button really should not be use for such trivial things…

Hmm I wonder why this thread is mass reported? Bait or something?

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People using flags to disagree probably… Dunno.


Flagging a genuine hostile post will get poster suspended or banned from the forum. But if the post did not break the rule, people flagging them out of spite doesn’t get punished? Or do those false flagger get ignored by Blizzard as untrustworthy?

Spam, that or the pure hate and vitriol that’s generated between users who can’t overlook the past threads.


How come this post got buried when everything they said is 100% true?

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