Better community

You have to pay for gametime in order to post…

And personally, i call that a win if you can get them to waste their money. :rofl:

Not WoW though.

Don’t think you’ll get a proper answer from him

2 times you dodged answering my question which is not surprising because you sometimes do this when someone asks for citation and or a question in the locked thread.

No matter how its sliced being antagonistic towards someone isn’t exactly a friendly way to pass on advice or suggestions.

I’m nowhere near being antagonistic against you.

You just have a habbit of not really answering questions or giving citation when asked in the first pro-btag thread, anti-btag thread by khrog and the locked thread.

Like your not really answering my question as to how someone telling you to not post on alts if you don’t want them shown is a “threat”.


Everything I say is a threat to someone. This is not the first time they said “sounds like a threat” while replying to me.

Uh oh. My AI has taken on aspirations of royalty…:eyes:

Here is the beginning of the reply which equates to a slur against the other posters attitude followed by.

Which could be interpreted as an indirect threat for the poster not to post on their alts at all, hence my earlier observation.

If we have to take past history into account then the animosity becomes much clearer.

btw i can name about 4 of your alts rightnow that you think folks dont know about and many others from the past from your trolling capades when you talk to yourself and about others behind their back

not realy as smart as you think yourself to be


Don’t engage with the fox . You already know how they are.

Life in here has ben so much better ever since I put them on ignore.

Only way it could be better would be if btags got added and I could ignore their entire account.

Any opinion that is opposite of theirs is a threat.


And deservedly so.

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I know right. I might of well sit at my door waiting for the internet police to arrest me for having a different opinion.

Justifying the action of witch hunts isn’t a very healthy community-minded opinion to have.


Oh gross I didn’t realize you did this stuff. To the void

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Still betting that this thread gets shut down by tomorrow seeing how several are feeding the trolls, the undead mage and fox, how many times do we have to remind others not to engage with them they only want to troll the thread.


Do you see Blizzard out here, trying to shame or ridicule posters for CoC infractions, which is in itself a breach of the CoC?

Its hilarious you think you can tell people what to do

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Nobody deserves to be named and shamed

Another spam thread for the mute pile.


Hello, I see you replied to the thread. Haha, thanks for letting us know! Here’s your attention you were wanting!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!