Beta unplayable

I’m getting DC all the time. when I finally make it near going off to the new zones I get DC and when I try to log back in it says there’s already a character with that name. I tried all 3 realms and I can’t play a single one. configuring back the UI and options is so annoying too.


OP getting upset about a game version that is in beta, meant to be tested and find bugs for Blizzard

Should we be surprised?


There is a forum specifically for beta feedback and bugs

Latest In Development/The War Within Beta Test topics - World of Warcraft Forums (

You may need to log off and back into battle net to access this forum though.

I expect the game will be unplayable for a few days as there are just too many beta testers currently and the servers cannot handle the stress.


Did you try turning it off and then back on again?

flagged as spam

Agreed GD is not the place for legit concerns about the Beta

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You should be posting this with as much detail as you can muster in the Beta forums.


I can’t test if it’s unplayable. Stop drinking soy.

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That is why there are specific forums dedicated for your problem.

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How do this many people not know what a beta is? lol

A server fix is coming later today

More than most.

I mean OP didnt even bother to post in the beta section. Tell you enough?

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You are testing the servers. Every initial beta starts off with breaking the servers, then they open them up. They already said they’ll be fixing the servers later today. It is intentional.


For the time being i would suggest not bothering with quests or dungeons or whatever.

Just have fun exploring the zones and trying out your hero talents on random enemies.

The servers die a lot less often when youre just killing mobs.

(Also, avoid flightpaths for now, theyre a dc nightmare)

Would bet their “fix” is “wait for these neckbeards to calm down”

I’d do it.

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I would love to explore the zones but the tauren teleports me there and then kicks me out. Can anyone tell me why? I have set my talents.