Beta Stress Test Invitation Began

“Welcome to the stress test! We purposefully left the download off your launcher… On a scale from 1-10… How’s your stress now?”

Takes time to flag that many accounts. Relax you’re in… for the stress test.


Just popped up for me. It’s a bit of a delay!

still nothing for minne me :frowning:

The point is to simulate launch numbers and to see how the servers handle it

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nothing for minneheals either LUL

Just read the fine print and says after the two hours we can play up to level 5 until thursday. That’s going to be . . . interesting.

Id buy that if it was a real stress test. Like a full weekend like most stress tests. I think many wont waste their time when its 24 hours and only level 5. So in realy its not a true stress test

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its not the beta after the stress test is over you wont have beta access fyi.

Me too! and my friend doesn’t! hehehehe

okay who has gotten it and are afraid to say so cause they dont want people to feel bad?

just got my woot!!!..oh its for only 2 hours and till lv5…yay


Oh, so you know better than Blizzard what an actual stress test is, then?


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I guess they will be testing the waiting queue with these many people.
I remember that time were it was like You are number 698

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Yes. Idk why you think anything theyve done as of late gives them any credit

First stress test will be how fast they’ll be able to upload the classic client to everybody


If I did I would tell everyone then go to sleep

The point of Layering is so there won’t be queues, or at least the queues will be far better than in the past.

you sir, are a scholar and a gentleman. 09/15/05

Any of you happen to get and do that blizz survey the other day? Lol I did.

There must not be enough layers for me to get a slice of it