Beta Stress Test Invitation Began

A blue answer would be wonderful. anyone already in beta have the same or is theirs different ?

I hope we get a chance to fight along side one another in classic the classic community seems to have a lot of great people that the current game is lacking


I GOT THE STRESS TEST :smiley: Wonā€™t even be able to make the 2 hour window lol


we are all in MFkers!!!
Lets do it/!!!

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What if you log in and they convert it to closed beta if you logged in. That would be icing on the gum drop huh?

$1,361.01 Dollars well thenā€¦

I got in, logged, created char, lasted 1 minute, server down. But man.



When you see the available realms there is only an option ā€œClassic Stress Testā€ which is inactive. Streamers are seeing 3 realms: the stress one, a pvp and a pve. Soā€¦ I donā€™t think weā€™ll play betaā€¦ unless in the meantime we get an invite (then Iā€™d quit my job and survive only by breathing for the next months).


not me still not in =(

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My heart yearns for such things

True, Iā€™m hoping someone responds saying they dont have beta on theirs but only stress test or something.


Since itā€™s the only portion of the game I have access to, I created an updated version so you can all join in on staring at the NEW AND IMPROVED login screen:

Just noticed the music skips at 2:03, unsure if thatā€™s on my end or not. Reopened the client and listened again, it skips at the exact same part in the exact same way.

Yeah im not in eitherā€¦

Imagine how great it would be if Blizzard waited till the stress test realm closes on Thursday and then: ā€œThanks so much for your help with the test everyone: enjoy the rest of the full closed beta in return!ā€

Iā€™d hunt for all the bugs, Blizzard. Put me in coach.


6/29/2009. Spent so much on this game over the years :thinking:

*Grabs a third tub of ice cream from the freezer.


that would be great and all if I could get an invite

omgā€¦feel so sillyā€¦was looking in the wrong spot the entire timeā€¦justfigured itwould pop up in the game listā€¦thanks manā€¦wonder how long its been thereā€¦

pulls spoon from underwear


Let me guess your out of vanilla?