Beta Service Issues — Updated June 6

I’ve already tried that. It gives me a blank pop-up and selecting North America stays blank. This ain’t my first beta.

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Check the realm it put you on. I was able to get more options when i chose Khadgar/Alleria then the other realm on the list it was auto putting me on.

Will it include the ability to copy account data/keybinds or characters?

I tried that, too. That’s not the actual issue. The issue is the beta was applied to my starter account and not this main account.


lol I did the same thing it was getting infuriating.

Strange. I have the same issue where its not pulling up my main wow account, but choosing Alleria/Khadgar did at least let me acesss templates and make characters .

Guess we all have to wait for them to patch things this morning.

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This might sound silly, but did you hit the back button?

When you go to the server it pushes the character creation screen. If you hit the back button it’ll take you back to the character select screen, then you can create your template from there. Bottom left next to the enter world button.

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It’s not on the character creation screen, it’s on the character selection screen. The camp fire screen. Left of the play button.

Also cannot copy account data or copy characters.

I can create a lvl 80 template on the goes to eleven server, but alleria and khadgar servers only let me make a lvl 1.

I also noticed some people were being given an option to choose between ‘accounts’ wow1 wow5 wow6 etc etc… I never saw this option come up for me and when looking under my account details, I noticed I have my main account and one below that says wow1 shadowlands ptr. It also says it was the most recently logged in (06/06/2024 09:48 am) and my main account hadn’t been logged into since 06/04/2024 when i last played remix.

So I’m assuming the beta client is going off of this wow1 ‘account’ and not my main? I don’t know. I could just be a gigantic idiot, if so, I’ll see myself out.

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My head last night was getting kicked off trying to turn in a quest getting logged back on and my Power bars were blank again had to wait for the update back

So when is these improvements coming out ?


I have no idea when we’ll get some fixes, but I hope they prioritize the account copying. I dont understand why it’s not a queued feature where to click the copy button and then the process is put in a queue in need be. May be that’d save some headaches to the devs.

In the first 30 minutes of playing, I got dc’d more times than I could count. It was like if I moved for than a few feet, dc’d. Try to go to wiz towner, dc’d. I went back to re-mix for the night. Then tried again just a bit ago. Dc’d as soon as I got into Dalaran & tried to turn in quest to Kadgar. Now the servers are offline. Hopefully for the fixes (yes, please!!).

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I think a lot of the issues we’re seeing trying to copy account data / characters are tied up with whatever backend is required for Warbands. And probably this will remain an issue until they’re ready to rollout the Warbands functionality properly.
I wouldn’t worry about account data right now. There are other things to test in the meantime.

We’ve now completed Beta realm restarts to pick up some fixes.

We’ll continue to monitor and work on further issues.


Still can’t seem to copy my characters over.

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Still the same DC issues. Cant quest for more than 2-3 minutes before being DCd, then cant login to the same character. Gives me “character with that name already exists” or “character not found”.


Would like to be able to copy my own characters over. Any ETA on fixing the Remix character copy issue so I can do that?

Do you have any information about account or character copy? I’d love to test your beta with my account data! In the mean time, I’m just gonna hold off.