Beta released, R.I.P Paladin

Yo…wtf are they doing? Judgement and ret aura nerfs?

Retribution is DEAD.


Nooooo, there’s no way Blizzard is going to release this mess of a Paladin design. One more week then all our problems will be solved. :slight_smile:


I will also huff this copium, lets remain hopeful… its getting tough thou…

Lmfao this is the funniest sht ever. What the cluck is going on?


Honestly its abit sad, but the more i see the more i firmly believe DF will be DOA, for me atleast.

Theres still time, but if time has shown me anything blizz will not change or rework anything.


I am now convinced the trees are pretty much done. They are already tunning stuff youd expect to happen much later. We will get one or two talent positions swapped and thats it. You better start loving this design lol.

Also even MORE group utility for rogues and warriors, as if they didnt have enough already. Insane.


Ehh id rather quit and give my money to a company that actually gives a F about its customers lol.


Wow. In practice, it is actually significantly worse than I thought it was. holy cow.


Here is some more copium, we have untill pre-patch and then all hope is lost haha!

But i feel like the whole feedback part was good for most other classes. It’s a shame we only really got radio silence on things like design directions or how the current tree’s fit the ideals they have stated.
Also the fact that the trees compared to other classes just look lazy and uninspired, that more and more group utility is given to other classes who’s profile has never been about raid buffs and the class that is sold as the group utility / buffer brings nothing but selfish buffs or degenerate gameplay by failing mechs to do more damage.


it’s fineeeee… They just haven’t gotten around to Paladin’s yet. :slight_smile:

We haven’t had a “major” adjustment since Holy was introduced a month ago. If you scan through all the Beta Builds, you can see heavy iterations on Warrior, Hunter, DK, Priest, etc…

Paladins have had 15 lines of text devoted to them, in all of Beta. Clearly they are going to announce tonight that Paladins are going to be next in line for a heavy iteration of their tree, show us a preview and happily tell us to provide more feedback next week when we get a chance to test it on the PTR. :))))


There is a huge difference on having feedback come and go for weeks like hunters shamans, warriors keep getting walls of developer notes even tho blizzard thenselves said their trees were close to done.

Having one week with 20 changes, one week to read (if that?) feedback and then some plus minus damage healing tunning, some duration adjustment and thats it. It is not fair at all. Even the paladin alpha/beta thread had the most replies until last week and we got close to no feedback all this time.

Even if, they change things we are not sure those will be good changes or anything.


Man i hope your right so bad. I WANT to play DF, but i wanna do it as ret, and i want to enjoy my ret while also helping my team.

Nothing i love more than saving a raid member with bop/loh/etc i just wish we had more things to offer, or at the least make us the juggernaut you want blizz.

Idk its kind of sad tbh I love dragons and want to see this story, but ive had to reroll out of my favorite spec both of the last xpacs for mythic. Thats something im not willing to do again. So heres to the hope that they will still get to us.

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Oh yeah, this is just typical Paladin design by Blizzard.

Nothing changes, feedback is ignored, some random-rash design, last minute decisions are made, in the last month of Beta and then ignored for 2+ years.

  • Retribution Aura is a perfect example.
  • Divine Steed and defensives being on the GCD, is a perfect example.
  • Justiciar’s Vengeance is a perfect example.
  • Holy’s Mastery is a perfect example.

How long do you want the list to be?

It would be nice for them to come out on the Beta forums and just make a note that they are planning changes for Paladins, but more than likely this is all we’ll get.

Maybe Divine Steed will drop to 3 talents, but outside of that, idk lol.

It’s just a meme at this point.


I mean if u actually look at the alpha pally post theres 1 post that talks about ret?

And thats the post that said we know movements fun, but you dont get fun.

The rest the blue posts reference holy/prot.
With all the good feedback in there, thats all we get.


I dunno, I’m still under the impression that the Dev’s think what they have done to Paladins is good enough otherwise we’d be seeing changes every few builds like every other class has throughout the alpha/beta cycle.


Oh yeah, but Holy hasn’t even gotten a Beta update once, lol. They still have talents that cost 3 talent points. A design philosophy that was completely scrapped.

I would assume that Paladins would get a huge iteration in the next week or so, but I also wouldn’t put it pass Blizzard to give us the cliché

“We think classes are on the right path, but that doesn’t mean we won’t revisit builds in 10.1 and beyond!”


Yea but that would just be an obvious lie lol. Everyone and their mothers know once an xpac goes live they are EXTREMELY hesitant to change classes/specs in any meaningful way.

I hope the judgment nerf today was a prelude to big changes coming, but this honestly feels like bfa/sl alpha/beta. Sadly i think this tree will stay as is for the most part and we wont get any additions. I hope im wrong, but my gut tells me im not.


We can always hope. The main issue at this point is just not knowing where the Devs stand on any of this. If there was some communication then we’d either know to continue providing feedback or just to move on.


Plus side out of all of this is it’s starting to look like I’m going to save $80.
Might go out and buy myself a big steak to celebrate this windfall.


Well, when there’s been no updates it’s hard to give feedback on anything.

Personally, I love problem solving and I think it’s a lot of fun, I would break down every one of these talent trees to show how little they accomplish and how the pathing is flawed.

But that information and those flaws have been shown and talked about numerous times. Even in this thread I tried pointing out the major flaws and short cummings of the Class Tree.

How many other ways can we say Retribution Aura and Divine Steed are dumb abilities? :slight_smile: