Beta question

nah was pretty hard

lil rough around the edges aye~

No need to rub it in our faces. :sob:

If you install the game in the same directory as Retail or the PTR, it will be smaller due to the shared resources. If you install it into another directory it will be closer to 9GB.

The option in the launcher says “Beta & Stress Test: WoW Classic” but if your invite is only for the stress test, you’ll get access today and up until tomorrow 6pm PDT when the stress test realm goes offline. It’ll come back online whenever the next stress test is scheduled, and your access will be back then as well.

The window 4-6pm PDT today is just when Blizzard will actively be monitoring the realm, thats why they want everyone possible during that time. But the realm itself will remain open until Thurs 6pm PDT.

If you read the email, it says that you will be able to continue playing until May 23.

Try posting in the section of the forum your beta relates to, i.e. classic. Most people there know what is going on - general discussion not so much.

It almost seems like that is the purpose doesn’t it. However, it is a 2 hour stress test and as a ‘reward’ you can play for one day up to lvl 5. Nothing to be really excited about imo.

Both accounts I ticked for beta classic testing got invites.

To reiterate what has probably been said:

If you received a standard beta invite (see: anytime before like… 2 days ago), your beta account will be labeled Stress Test for the duration, after which it will return to the regular Beta label. The regular beta server will be offline while the stress test server is active.

If you only received the Stress Test invite (ie: last couple days), you ONLY get access to stress tests. You’re still eligible for future Standard Beta invites, but you don’t have it yet.

just because she is wrong doesn’t mean you need to be insulting. The original poster already got his answers anyway there is no reason to be so rude.