Beta Enhance Feedback

Better CC kit, instant MSW stack generation, good burst through casting or ascendance or lava lash build. Able to run multiple SL legendaries and have multiple different types of burst windows in the same build. So seems like alot of upgrades vs live.

Downgrades are no chain harvest and weaker doomwinds and no tier set.

Overall, enhance looks like it may be better than now.

But alot of other specs are getting more too so hard to know how it will all shake out.

Like are MM hunters just going to stun and kill us now that they have multiple stuns?

Proliferation of CC + our inability to do anything while cc’d may be a problem.

No Tier set how does that compute? i mean wtf

Just saying we won’t have the current tier set once we level to 70. Who knows what future tier set we will have.

Biggest issue to me seems like the wonkiness of our cc kit and our inability to defend ourselves against the better CC kits other specs have or are getting.

I’d really like to see us get water shield in the general tree in place of mana spring totem and unleash shield added as a choice node with thunderstorm and changed to be useable while stunned like thunderstorm is. Then we could use elemental orbit to unleash combination of shield effects while stunned to root in a whirlpool or knock then root an opponent to have a tool to try to live stuns.

Well Thunderstorm I have wanted on enhancement for a long time should help a bit. And yea I have to keep looking at the pvp side not just pve like I have been.

Utility talents should still be exciting from a PvE perspective. The fact that so many of these are not is a serious problem.

I do like them from pve problem is a lot of what bliz has done was hacked up our class and then expect us to be happy “we have choices”. No you do not remove baseline abilities and give them back to us in talents that is garbo design and I know its for every class and its garbage design. Give us a real damn talent tree do not make us buy back baseline abilities with talents.

They won’t do this, because it would result in us having too many abilities. Most classes already have several forms of utility in their kits, so letting us keep our current kits and then adding more new utility on top of that would give any individual player more forms of utility than they want us to have.

We’d be far better off with them just adding a new row or two of utility talents to every class in the current talent system.

In a perfect world, most of the talents would just be modifications of existing baseline abilities (ideally, more interesting that just % increases since that just feels like ability tax when it comes to tuning). To be fair most, of the talent trees do add extra effects and several previously mutually exclusive talents are now available which is a plus.