A couple very early comments on the PTR patch of 9/21/22:
On 3 target dummy cleave - I can keep the new Voidform up for a full minute, easily (and while not playing optimally). Very strong, and honestly, I enjoyed it. It FELT frantic while it was up, in a good shadow priesty way - I was trying hard to spend my insanity as fast as I got it. So far, I’m cautiously optimistic about this.
- on the same 3 target dummy cleave, using Inescapable Torment (the new talent that buffs mindbender) - Inescapable Torment was my second highest damage source. Very strong right now with current tuning.
Single Target:
- Can keep up new voidform for 40 seconds on 1 target dummy
- Inescapable Torment is about 6-7% of my overall damage
Psychic Link - using a complete Mind Spike build - this was my second overall damage on a 3 target dummy cleave. Seems solid.
Mind Sear - Somehow still feels extremely awkward to use. The way it chunks your insanity feels odd. As far as tuning, definitely ineffective on 3 target cleave, but that’s not surprising necessarily, I expected it to be used for larger aoe so I can’t comment on that yet.
Idols - I like the idea of them all occupying capstone places. Idol of N’zoth placement makes no sense to me being AoE centric but being cornered by single target pathing in front of it. All idols remain either undertuned or bugged: Yogg-Saron still takes 5 minutes of solid target dummying to summon a single one and he does terrible damage. C’Thun didn’t proc a single time in close to 6 minutes on a dummy. Y’shaarj is still completely fire and forget - select the talent and then never think about it again. Well, honestly aren’t they all sort of like that still? None of them alter our playstyle, as far as I can tell.
Mobility - no comment at all about this in latest Blue feedback. Definitely a bummer and makes me think we lost some mobility, in relation to what I see other classes gained for Dragonflight. We really needed some kind of boost/escape mobility like Door of Shadows.
Dominate Mind - the new change to reduce this to 30 seconds. So now being a really effective and unique cc that can help a group get past a really dangerous m+ pack, this talent is now more focused on which mob does the most damage for me that I can carry around the entire dungeon? I have mixed feelings. This could be good…on the other hand I didn’t really want to be a pet class. Yea, mixed feelings. I think maybe I liked it better before with the longer cooldown.
Pw:S - Jak on beta forum mentioned for Holy having the cd on this spell increased in order to prevent it being constantly interwoven in Holy’s rotation. I’m not remotely qualified to comment on Holy and it’s issues, but I just want to mention an increase in the cd means Body and Soul becomes even less effective and our limited mobility becomes just a tad more limited than it already is. That makes me sad. I hope that won’t happen.
Appreciate the changes to Mind Soothe, so now priest can be reliably counted on to help skip a patrol in some select dungeons. I’m grateful for the increased utility, if it indeed plays out that way in Dragonflight.
While I appreciate the changes to Halo so it won’t forever ruin shadowpriest reputation in LFG M+, I’m not 100% the spell plays into Shadow’s kit or is going to useful, maybe this is a Disc thing?