Beta Development Update -- Leatherworking Drums

Why would that kill shaman, you still want them in every group.

Far fewer and with a 10m debuff you want like… 2-3 tops. Their personal DPS is okay at the start (though Enhancement’s has been hard nerfed in TBCC), but they don’t scale. They’re just there after a while for Bloodlust/Heroism and to buff the melee/casters.

You’d still want one ele, two enh, two resto.

Why two Enhancement and two Resto? Resto isn’t the solely best raid healer, and Enhancement buffs melee and Hunters, but it’s debatable if the utility they bring is even necessary with nerfed BL.

Unless BL isn’t raid-wide still, which would just be dumb at that point.

Resto in tank group
Enh in hunter stack
Enh in melee supp group
Ele in lock group
Resto in last supp group

Typical healer comp is
Resto Druid
Holy Pal
Holy Priest
Resto Sham x2

Even without lusts you want the totems for each group. They offer a huge boost.

Shamans as the de facto support class makes sense for me, but I can see a solid argument for enhance not having the profession slots for it.

But think of the parses and the hurt feelings!

It’s funny how people are leveling/already leveled new professions for their mains. I’ve saved up mats, for sure, but I’m keeping mining on my main until 70, and I’ll switch after I cap out a mining alt, not before. Hitting the ground running may just mean you hit a wall.

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F this. Shaman bring more than anyone

make the rogue, ret, and warriors do it

no one is stacking for this stupid crap anyways.

That reply wasn’t about making anyone do anything, it was about why you want shaman in a raid. I was replying to the above person saying people are going to bring less shaman.

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