Best way to level a druid?

You don’t need to be heal-spec with any healing-capable class to heal any 5-man dungeon content in Vanilla/Classic WoW, including endgame dungeons. All you need is the right type gear for healing, & during leveling that means suitable greens+ with plenty of intelligence on them.

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Feral my man until you get 21 point talent. After that either feral all the way, or into improved form shifts.

Feral levels super fast. Pounce on that shed, ff, rake, etc…

As leveling I rarely shift, or heal or cast, so those aren’t useful as talents.

You don’t need to be feral spec to tank 5-mans, and you don’t even need to use feral gear to tank unless you have an overgeared group. I could tank any 5-man in full healing gear with just omen of clarity and improved thorns. Prehot + improved thorns is insane aoe threat. For extra threat open with starfire > moonfire. And with enough +spirit you’ll regen to full mana every pull.

Can’t even get that many talent points. I assume you’re talking 14-32-5 Kitty spec? With natural shapeshifter but no Primal fury?

For general-purpose use go 30-0-21. It is solid enough for healing, and your +crit will be so low anyway the crit damage talent really won’t add much, plus a lot of your damage should be from dots and barkskin/hurricane. It is also a great PvP spec. You lose the +10% healing talent, but that +10% is on the base heal and doesn’t apply to +healing.

I mostly spam Healing Touch rank 3, which is 220 base heal, so you basically lose ~22 healing per cast, and my HT R3 hits for like 750.

Pounce is a level 36 ability. And mobs that are like 45+ do a good amount of damage to a kitty. At higher levels expect to shift out and heal every few mobs unless you’re fighting mobs lower level than you.

Also having to stealth up and get into position to pounce is largely a waste of time.

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Level Feral and heal/tank/dps every raid pre 55. Will be a breeze.