Best type of character for each covenant? Possible spoilers

Speaking about race/class combinations here.

I picked Ardenweald for this character, and that ended up being a great pick so far, considering she’s been my main since Pandaria. So lots of the stuff felt really appropriate for her to be doing, helping out Tyrande and the like after the night elves helped Gilneas. Even the Horde stuff felt appropriate since I did Siege of Orgrimmar with her, so she would have met Vol’jin. Also getting called a Huntress when… y’know, she’s a hunter, and meeting Huln Highmountain when I used his spear in Legion, etc.

That made me curious about what characters I should use to experience the other covenants. I’m really curious as to what kind of vibe each of the other covenants give, considering how many loose ends from the past expansions seem to be getting wrapped up in Night Fae.

Like Night Fae feels like it would best be experienced by a night elf or troll character, or possibly something like a kul tiran druid or highmountain tauren.

Uther is involved in the Kyrians, would that be best done as an Alliance paladin of some kind? Or maybe a forsaken, since Uther was from Lordaeron, which is where a lot of the forsaken are from.

Maldraxxus had the whole runeblade angle and Mograine showed up, so that seems like a good fit for a Death Knight, or possibly a Paladin who used the Ashbringer. Though Thrall’s mom is also there. Also it goes without saying almost that Warriors probably fit there.

I’ve heard Kael’thas shows up in the Venthyr story, so would that be best experienced as a blood elf?

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Uther did inspire the Forsworn but felt really weak in it’s main story.

All covenants share a diverse selection but Bastion seems to have accepted Rock Lords which could help with non Troll (Loa being in Ardenweald) shaman RP as stone is seen as an abomination in Ardenweald and elementals banned in Revendreth.

edit: There was no ban in Revendreth, there was just someone attacking the light ward with elementals.


What? can you elaborate on the “Rock Lords” and “non troll shaman RP as stone”.

Unless you mean that the characters in bastion are as boring as “Rock is solid” I dont understand the point.

And I dont think Elementals are banned in revendreth as much as it is any place else, there are ash golems that are basically elementals.

It’s a minor plot point that Ardenweald doesn’t contain any stone in the zone whatsoever for some reason, which makes the represented-by-stone earth elemental aspect of shamans a tad odd.


“Represented by stone?”


Are shamans not like you know Master of the elements, like the avatar in that way, instead of just representing one specific element. I get the idea of “This guy helps blacksmiths with his shaman powers” but beyond that…

That’s why I said “earth elemental aspect,” not that I thought it’s the only thing shamans represent.

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I’ve liked Maldraxxus quite a lot on this toon. I made him an apothecary type with an Alteraci (German) accent with the twist being he’s a good natured doctor and privately very faithful man. So Maldraxxus fits him perfectly.

My Death Knight is a posh aristocrat who was already based around Countess Báthory and more to the point WH’s Isabella Von Carsten. So she also slides into Revendreth like she was always supposed to be there.

It’s my Hunter and Rogue I’m a little lost with. My Hunter is an undead, former Defias from Westfall who was hung in Southshore. Basically he’s a cowboy complete with drawl, hat and the closest approximation to a revolver I could find. He’s in Bastion because the Covenant ability is really solid for Arena. Still trying to figure out a story reason for his presence.

My Rogue fits alright in Ardenweald. She’s not really nature oriented but I styled her more around the D&D 5e Arcane Trickster Rogue archetype. So she’s mischievous, likes playing pranks and just fing with people and I was happy that fit.

Really it’s just my Hunter I’m struggling with. Basically the Cowboy Garfield meme problem.


I took my information from Summoner Marcelis…

“Summoning elementals somewhere within the shadows.”

…though what I find now…

Summoner Marcelis and his cohorts are dabbling in dangerous magics. They are calling forth ashen elementals to ravage these Light-scorched lands.

…which means I was wrong about a ban on elementals and we’re just there to stop his destruction.

The Rock Lords don’t serve any purpose nor are identified with any lore. It’s hard to understand if they’re made of anima, residue from an attack or come from the elemental plane that a few have already considered these giants are granting the shamans their power-- not that they are but some are roleplaying these giants as such.

While I personally have not done so, I feel like Maldraxxus really fits the theme as a forsaken character. A warrior type also really fits, though really any class can be justified, I’m sure.

For Revendreth, I went with a Blood Elf Warrior, which also quite readily fits the theme, though to a somewhat lesser degree. A blood DK would also feel quite at home here, as well as possibly a demon hunter.

For Ardenweald, I’d say Nelf or Troll. I did both and honestly it felt better to play as troll, as the troll parts actually felt much more like we were doing actual troll stuff, and Bwonsamdi is just the best.

For Kyrian, go with what you want. Honestly, the closest I could think of is Human Paladin/Priest, but Uther is not a big enough part of the story to make it applicable, and the bluish-white aesthetic doesn’t even really fit with the golden Light colors that the paladin/Priest show off, as least for me. Draenei, troll, or Velf can work if you want to fit in with the blue bois.

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I consider my Zandalari Druid my Main, and the Night Fae of Ardenweald seem pretty close to perfect. I think any Druid and most Hunters would fit. Goblin, Vulpera, and Gnome Hunters might be more about the Tech than the Wilds, so they might fit in more with Maldraxxus or Bastion.

The Venthyr seem good for Priests and Paladins who are more into an Inquisitor vibe, while Bastion would fit the more service oriented of their ranks. The heavy Kaelthas lore makes the Venthyr good for any Void Elf or Blood Elf.

Bastion and Maldraxxus seem pretty open. Less niche.

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