Best spec for Arenas?

i have an aggressive playstyle when it comes to arenas, i haven’t played since the start of bfa, n at the beginning i played the crap out of fury going on multiple win streaks. but now currently im dying super fast. my gear level is decent. im just assuming fury got a nerf or other classes/specs got buffed. so if i go prot or arms, i wanna know why i should? what stats to focus on? what talents? heck im even down to have help with a keybind layout

Prot is a tank spec and as such is used in PVE and RBGS, it has no space in arenas. Arms is the only viable spec for arenas in higher ratings. You’re undergeared but for pvp it is not as important as having the right secondary stats and corruptions, which is probably why you’re dying so fast, you’re lacking a ton of vers, I’m talking 30% or more.

thanks for the tips, yeah i have been outta this game for the past year so i think i may need to do more research