Oom (7 chars)
I like mine hehe Eatmydisc
I love Musclepriest for my dwarf priest.
I like my name for a priest. I have 2 with this name.
Subjective question. Pun-names IMO are pretty juvenile/stupid & I would prefer to see an actual attempt at an RPG and/or “fantasy novel” type character name. Guess I’m old-school though in terms of that preference.
I’ve always been turned off by names that describe the race or the class.
There are thousands of rogues with the words “slice” or “stab” in their names.
Likewise, there are thousands of gnomes whose names reference their stature.
Priestitute is redundant
my names not bad for a priest
I am just testing something.
PigBenis works for any class
Personally, I like my priest’s name: Yllness. I really like failure of some sort with a Y in it though. My Warrior’s name is Compynsatyng for example lol.
Everyonedies is the funniest one I’ve ever seen.
Deepfatfriar if you’re a dwarf.
My Nelf priestess is Diosaluna
Just made Bubbleyou, so we’ll see how that works out
Saw a “Fathernasty” once
Had a good laugh
I am named after the Nordic God of medicine and healing.