Best Player on Garona

Sinzar and Psipress back again.

In 6 months when I hit 100 - I will be the best.
yoooo I got a paper bag on my head.
Did anyone nominate Coeptis?
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it's me

jhaha hey i thnik alot of peopel frogot abuot me....... but i'm am BACK. graete to see alot of old freinds and foes arownd on the serrver. i will be patrolling ashrun and batolling inside the areana to fite with and amung some of the greateist fiters and reache the top..

as allways....
blessing of t3h b0n3
It WAS me.

Me and Krazyelf. <3

But that was so very long ago...I miss Garona.


It was really Deathb and I that destroyed everyone that came in our paths.
I guess its time to level this mage again once.....
Derpriatus reporting for duty.

Zug Zug
Preskool was the best garona ever seen!
Super bummed at how many names I know from vanilla here who seem to have dropped off over the years.

Moola you should level that mage again.

Sormac the realm forums have no chance of being entertaining with you gone.

I am the best on the server and it’s not even close.

damn if we going that far, might have to bring back Deathb into the mix of names

Was this ever answered?

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Still to this day the best player that was or is still on Garona was DeathB

haha i remember sinzar (my raid leader), sormac and deathb… this is delirious from lunaris back in 2007