Best Paladin mount just datamined

I think i’ve legitimately never seen one ingame

Oh that’s great. They should update the regular human/belf mounts too

That’s because they’re dumb and I bet every LFD just does the same thing I do: glyph it for the class hall mount or use something else.

Agreed. Their pixels have been showing for along time.

BUT DON’T TOUCH MY HOLY KODO BLIZZARD :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :rage:

Not fair. The 10 people that play alliance get this mount? Or do the better faction get it too?

You guys get to do content. We get the mount :laughing:

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I think same Elekk as regular dreanei Pally


It looks awesome! I’m glad the LFD get something different than that dumb elekk.