Best Looking Staff Transmog?

Oh cool, it’s got that whole monk/Pandaria vibe.

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I use it on my alt Priest; Aristotle-Stormrage. It’s great for a low-res, wanderer mog, IMO.

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Runed staff has a nice simple but elegant look to it.

Oh snap, I don’t recall when I got this one but this one is devilish:


The WoD challenge mode staff is really my favorite non-class transmog. Obviously the Legion class hall transmogs are pretty sweet, but they’re locked to class.

I use the Holy Priest Legion class hall staff, specifically the skin from the Mage Tower (blue coloration). It’s perfect with my T3 on my priest.

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Merciless Glad staff from Season 2 would like to have a word with you:


this one’s one of my favs but I feel like I don’t have anything that matches it sadly.

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I prefer the Etherium Life Staff. It’s almost identical except blue and there are crystals on both sides instead of just one. Plus no pvp, so bonus for me lol. Apostle of Argus is a pretty one too.


Dragonwrath Tarecgosa’s Rest
Just found out about it recently whilst searching collections and it looks really cool just got to do a legendary quest which I started yesterday

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The frost mage tower one. Literally had to learn frost mage just to get it. God I love how the crystal shine and how it goes with my mog.


This is entirely dependent on the race and theme I’m going for:

Draenei: Sol’s Magestaff
Lightforged: Spectral Censorite’s Staff
Stormwind and Silver Covenant Theme: Dreamgrove Spire
Void Theme: Voidcore Greatstaff (normal version)
Night Elf: Sentinel’s Branch
Orc: Replica Staff of Gul’dan (no longer obtainable)


Tarecgosa staff.

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How long does the quest take? That one looks sweet.

Long time here’s the guide I’m using for it but could take at least a month tbh

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I completely forgot about this one! By far one of the greatest.


Whatttt, it transforms you into a dragon and you can fly with it?!?! I skipped that expansion and had no idea this was a thing. Thanks for bringing it to my attention, it’s tempting.


The one I’m using, hands down
T’uure, Beacon of the Naaru (hidden appearance)

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replica staff of gul’dan


Are the holy/discipline artifact appearances locked to the specs or can they be used on shadow?

It’s a toss-up.

You should be able to use the appearances as long as you have the appropriate weapon type equipped. Which bears mentioning because if you’re the appropriate spec you can use your specific artifact’s appearance regardless of if the weapon you have on is the same type or not, as far as I’m aware.


The staff I have Transmogged from WoD CMs. It has a cool animation and looks great with the mage tower set riding the book mount

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