Best horde warrior race

Orc is best. Orc have Blood Fury, best warrior racial in game.

Tauren is the best race for all classes.

Idk, pretty bad at mages/warlocks

No. They’re just too overpowered for players.

Great, now goblin is on the list too

Oh, ok

Go forsaken to cannibalise your foes and stalk them under water :wink:

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Do female undead still do that crazy front flip while dual weilding?

Highmountain Tauren ofc

Orcs > All

Tauren or Highmountain Tauren. And I say this solely on the looks of their abilities with those huge weapons.

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Thematically Orcs.

But I always liked the idea of Undead Warriors.

Answer is vulpera

Well Orcs of course!!

I mean tbh I like all of them, but for me orcs fit the bill the most along with maybe a silly pick like goblin/vulpera.

for the other races I can see them as a warrior, but I tend to see them as other classes first (shamans for trolls, paladins for belfs, etc)

Forsaken (M/F), Blood Elf (F) and Mag’har (F)

When did this change take place? I’ll have to hop onto my pandaren, though I play arms rather than Fury

When pre-patch dropped. There are other bugs with their animations, as well.

My vote is still panda.

I haven’t tried dual wielding, I’m an Arms Warrior mainly, though this toon doesn’t do any flips when attacking.

I have an orc girl

From a cosmetic and overall race best suited to being a warrior. I believe it’s the orc. Orc’s scream warrior, blood, sweat and tears. Zug zug.

If you are asking for racials and stuff, sorry I don’t bother with those. I just play what’s fun lol