Best Character names you've seen?

We can do anything together.

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Any name that goes with a title, such as Valley of the Four Winds, or Battlemster Battlemaster

Furlockholmes … A vulpera warlock.


I always thought bumrush was the best rogue name I’ve ever seen.

We will be soon overran with Blood Death Knights named some variation of Count Dracula or Count Chocula or Count Dooku.

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I’ve seen a pandaren blood DK named Nosfuratu and a tauren hunter named Lokarb. He went around saying “I’m the good for you tauren!”

I liked Trapspringer for a rogue.

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I would give you 11/10 for your name if you were a Dark Iron Elemental Shaman or Fire mage.

As it is I only can give you 9/10 :wink:

There was a Orc Warrior in cata that had the name “Ownass.” Something about that hit me just right because I busted a gut laughing and still remember it till this day.

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I used to have a Blood Elf priest that I thought had a clever name. I named her Sidheler. It was a play on Sidhe the Celtic name for fairies/elves and healer because she was a priest. Since Sidhe is pronounced Shee, Sidheler would be pronounced Shealer.

But then my friend who I played with at the time asked who Sid Heler was and why I named my priest after them. I realized then, very few people are as big a nerd about that sort of stuff as I am and no one would ever get it so the character got abandoned and deleted.

Zandalari Druid named Stereotype of the Jungle

Wombraider in pvp always gives me a giggle.

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I tried and failed


my wife named this toon

To me the best names are from people that were lucky enough to grab a rare one and have a good title to go with it.

Gorgeous George or George of the Jungle.
Matron Malice
Captain Leela, Picard, Kirk, Crunch, etc.
Crusader Aura
The famous Pilot of the Exodar
Another famous one is Dora the Explorer
Dragonslayer Nerd
Ambassador Ahmed, Ibn or Fahdlan (Antonio Banderas character in The 13th Warrior)
Professor [Any Harry Potter teacher], Farnsworth, Charles, Xavier, Jones, etc.
Lara or Croft the Tomb Raider
John the Pilgrim
Jaime the Kingslayer
Eleanor, Abernathy or Carole the Crazy Cat Lady

Names like that stop me in my tracks to stare. Stupid pun names or names with 10 different special characters just make me roll my eyes.

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I was tempted to make one named "Tothree*

And the Lord spake, saying, 'First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then, shalt thou count to three…

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I’m pretty fond of this class-name combination.

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My druid used to be “Bearlyhere” and I would regularly run in to another named “Bearlythere” t’was great. Now the druid is “Ankylosaurus”, but “Bearlythere” is still around.

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I like to think my name is clever. :slight_smile:

I’m a fan of the classics that play off titles, things likes; “Private Parts”, “Dora the Explorer”, “Pilot of the Exodar” and “Alarmclock the Awakener”.

Names like that always get a chuckle out of me.