Best character names you've seen so far?

I saw a Gnome Mage named “Flammable” and couldn’t help but chuckle.

Not sure if it was just a funny name or the thought of a burning Gnome…

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My other troll mage named Vendmachine

Must now add to the list Barakoshama . Think thats the best shaman name since Oprahwindfury

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My human paladin…RASHBRINGER!

She brings the rashes shrug


I’ve seen some really funny tauren names, but I can’t seem to make any pop up in my head right now.

I’m partial to my pet’s name. He is a white wind snake named Aziraphale. When he dies I call him by his nickname, Phale.

I saw a femorc hunter named Mankrikswife, and an orc warrior named Axetomouth.


Nothing speaks that we’re living in 2019 than seeing someone named Pogkappalul.

Now we need someone with the fungi genus name… Mycota, I think.


I liked Adolfcritler the rogue. Hope he doesn’t have to change it.


well on wow classic I have a tauren named rawbeef and I also have a undead called glitchargon

A hunter named mankrik on the server mankrik and his pet was named wife

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These are all meh.

We have “Freebeer” and “Hotwings” that often roll together on our server.


I guess some people think stupid, immature non-names = best and/or cool names. Takes me back the junior-high school & grade-school days.

Taderdotz- gnome warlock

Willferal (kitty drood, of course) on Grobb ally-side made me chuckle.

S m a l l W i l l y

edit - honorary mention to mankirks wife

edit 2 - wtf it finally updated my char a month later nice

It’s the QT’s that get me. The self declared, “QT”, I would get more specific about the type of people that are naming their toons this, but I won’t, because we all know.

Can’t imagine you were liked back then, just like now.

Thanks for stopping by.

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My mage Kelcuckzad

Brockshamson hands down. Venture bros 4 life

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