Best AoE healers for BGs in 10.2?

I don’t want to play Disc or Resto Shaman. Who would be good at AoE healing in Battlegrounds?

I get some pretty insane numbers as resto druid in randoms, mw is a more simple and probably better healer though

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For AoE? I really need to watch a guide or something. Essence Font doesn’t do it for me.

id have to say as bobsaget said, resto if your very good at it, MW if your looking to sit back and chill with top heals and doing noting.

I currently play rShaman, so id also love some utility as well but i realize im asking for a lot here.

You need a Leebi. But he’s ours. :smiley:


druid util is pretty decent, mass entanglement is really nice for delaying people from getting to flags in teamfights, mw util is broken though, revival counters afflocks, boomchickens, spriests and (sorta) mages, removing all their dots and healing your entire raid for alot, druid healing has by far the highest potential in epics though

Are you talking randoms or epics? I don’t know epics, but for randoms you don’t use essence font you aoe heal through vivify - it heals targets with your hots. I also kinda heal multiple targets with by throwing enveloping mist on people taking dam, but a guide or just playing with it (or both) will help.

Resto druid healing is much more complex to get the big aoe numbers

Priest S at any form of pvp
Shammy is like…B+

Depends if you are talking about epics or regulars. Hpriest/Rsham/MW all do great healing epics based on what I’ve played and I don’t think any of them are complicated to pick up. Going to regular bgs changes things, where utility, mobility, and defensibility are more pronounced.

All healers can aoe heal pretty well (if they know what they are doing) and most of it is based around using long CDs. I’d say the big difference is play style preferences along with the survival/utility/mobility that I mentioned.

So asking what the best aoe healer is seems a flawed question from the start. I suppose I’d say MW simply because they do great throughput and bring the utility to regular bgs that has made them a staple in rated bgs.

I don’t have a thesis advisor for the forums.

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Anything you enjoy playing will be good enough. This depends more on you rather than the spec you choose.

I guess I’m more asking about the kit. E.g. I cannot get a handle on Holy Pally AoE healing. Next to a Shaman, it’s rough.