Bellular nailed it

I’ll take your word for it, as I usually just have videos playing on my second monitor so I don’t really focus enough on them to notice things like that.

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Two things. Are you using nOrDvPn to secure your website from the NSA?!?

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Thanks for confirming you didn’t watch the video or his previous videos he has done. Bellular has been openly talking about PVP gear vendors for a long time as he actively plays in PVP and understands the flaw with the current PVP gearing system.

Also Bellular has posted many things that were not in favor of the audience but again you just confirmed to me you are just casting generalization at Bellular without any factual grounding.

And finally yes youtube changed how they monetize all videos now regardless of the content. So now creators are using ad placements and sponors to offset loss monetization that youtube used to offer.

So please explain to me what do you know because apparently it isn’t that much.


I hear there’s some books on improving your memory on Audible that could help with that.

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This youtuber is just feeding on GD forums and talks about the complaints we can already read here. He just makes money out of highlighting it. He is part of the echo chamber mechanism.


You deserve some cookies. Where’s Grumbles?

Uh ? I said in this thread (or the other thread spammed here about his 300th video of the day) that I stopped watching him quite a while ago because he mostly just panders to loud voices on GD, hoping it drives traffic to him.

You guys are just feeding him what he wants here, and he’s using confirmation bias to lure you in.

And then he tells you about his great new game he’s making, that you should follow and buy when it ships eventually, maybe.

Bellular is still monetized. He’s not doing political content.

You watch too much Tim Pool.

Grumbles’s dead baby, Grumbles’s dead…


I have not always agreed with many of the things he has said but when it comes to player agency he has been spot on.


There is a large group of people who just automatically hate all youtubers, streamers, etc. No matter how good of an idea they might have.


The future of WoW discussions:
Instead of stating a position on any given topic being discussed, link to a youtube video of someone else saying it for you.


I have to say, after watching the video, I agree with pretty much everything he said. Many of his points are things I’ve discussed multiple times with friends in game.

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Mostly because most don’t actually get ideas. They read something cool on the forums, then do a 10:00 on the dot video (youtube algorithm obliges!) pretending it was their idea all along.

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Guilty as charged. I think it might be an age thing, who knows.

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If you have watched his videos in the past you would know his stance with PVP gear vendors was his same stance since day 1. There is no pandering on that front.

And people are allowed to change their views (eg flying) so I have not seen evidence of pandering on that front either.

Basically if Bellular wanted to pander he would copy pasta what E&T do with their youtube channel.

Youtube changed the way how all videos are monetized. And I don’t watch Tim Pool so maybe you can tell me more of these things you don’t know.

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Yeah, a lot of common sense in that video. Hope they see it.

He really nailed PvP vendors. It just feels better to spend my hard earned currency myself.

Also can’t agree more on weekly checklist. All those things that give rewards and reset weekly feel like something needs to be done, and only after that you actually start enjoying your time. (Given the class design is good). Power progress should be stupid simple - go to dungeon - earn some gear, earn some currency, buy some gear. The rest is up to a player to fill with their creativity.

Tier sets is also spot on. One thing that isn’t mentioned by anyone is that for some people any given tier can have much more meaning that any other tier siet, even if they all don’t look stunningly unique. Maybe they found their guild and had a blast raiding, maybe they were extremely lucky that particular tier - tier sets will remain as memories of these good times. I still cherish the look of ICC set on my paladin, because it was my first raid in the game.

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Yeah, I think so too.

Even when I’ve disagreed with his views I can see that his arguments are largely logical and well thought through.
It just happens that we are different individuals with different experiences and enjoy different things.

Which is perfectly ok.

Really? How odd. Even ******* and ******** here on the forums make statements I agree with from time to time.
To write off an entire group of people because… Huh.
Why do they hate all YouTubers/Steamers regardless of their positions/output?

Legitimate question.

His video is literally all opinion based.

some people never trust a guy with a combover. they’re always hiding something


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