Beledar. the purple.. "crystal"

whoa no sh(CENSORED)t

im anticipating a specific narrative direction. that, by my logic, makes enough sense to exist, IN THE FUTURE. and so far no one has said anything to make me think otherwise. someone at some point said it was debunked, but i dont think thats possible, as it hasn’t happened yet??? bizarre

It’s not the sword. The Crystal was there before the “day of darkness” which characters assumed linked to the same day as the sword striking Azeroth.

The crystal is something else.


Has anyone (lore wise) tried going up to it? I’d imagine there’s issues that come with that but idk.

Has anyone (lore wise) tried going up to it? I’d imagine there’s issues that come with that but idk.

I would never get close to such a thing (evil)

It was there before Sargeras made his stab.


lmao I love this dog pointing wildly at the crystal and yelling about it. I hope he’s right.

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the behavior is consistent with it just being damaged
when naaru die they become voidys

I assume the sword just hit the crystal which damaged it and made it unstable

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Doing Ulduman: Legacy of Tyr again so I can collect the lore books for the lorekeeper addon (records in game books, tomes, scrolls, letters etc). I wonder if the ‘fissure’ that the Earthen we meet in Khaz Algar (sector AR-938) were sent to investigate was Beledar crashing into the planet. Watcher Melenia (who wrote Observational report: Earthen) speculates that one possible reason why these Earthen show no real physical change via the curse of flesh is due to their exposure to the anomaly. Most likely again, referring to Beledar.

Sounds like Beledar is imbedded on an Island near the Isle of Dorn. So much for it being at the bottom of the Ocean…

Goblins and Arathi are preparing to visit said Island.

Beledar is tied to K’aresh as Beledar’s Radiant Song was heard before Dimensius showed up so the Ethereal will show up in the Raid as well as the Goblins.


Yeah still wondering why that was temporary thing instead of a PvP Brawl or something.


This will be great. All the goblin content we ever wanted. Beledar looks like it is from a Naaru.

That would be one GIANT Naaru.

That’s no Naaru, that’s a space station.

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I know this comment is from 19 days ago, but I don’t see anyone else touching on it so here we go - does it necessarily have to be their high elven ancestors who wrote it down? We only know the expedition left before the Arathi Empire fell in the Eastern Kingdoms, but that could be anywhere from 2800 to 1200 year ago. That’s well within a high elf’s lifespan, so many of the high elves that went east could still be alive.

Naaru going Void mode within a space ship akin to the Exodar, Genedar and the Vindicar.

A very fair point. I think I was mostly going off the comment one of the Arathi makes about how according to their legends they were two peoples when they first settled together, and they are one people now, the Arathi. The various comments and texts found around Hallowfall that refer to Arathi history treat it with a sort of distance and lack of first-hand knowledge that I wouldn’t expect if there were still significant numbers of the original founding high elves around. Of course, WoW has never been great about following up on the implications of the longer-lived races, so that’s not necessarily a great indicator, and you’re right, there could be original elves around.