Being a female character is rough

They’re Super Draenei though.

Just like Void Elves are Super Elves.

Alliance wanted High Elves and Broken who are already in the Alliance? Too bad. Ion’s vision demanded Super versions and made up at the last second with no build up - not what the Alliance asked for.

And they’re still mistakes because they’re inferior to the base races.

Ion would say differently. Cuz he made them Super.

You mean these guys? :point_down:

How is this bait? Sounds kinda like a witch hunt from your end instead. The topic’s solid, the clipping is lame.

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Ehh, there’s clipping in a ton of video games, i honestly wouldn’t worry too much about it personally.

That’s just the alt of the guy who called me “champ” and “sweetie” cuz I didn’t agree with him when he said WoW has 0 toxicity. Then he proceeded to be toxic to me over numerous posts even after I stopped responding to him.

Now he’s just stalking me for some reason.

I didn’t say it was unique to WoW. It’s just a little ridiculous that we make such leaps and bounds in video games, but leave some relatively easy to solve problems. The easy solutions don’t always look the best, but something is better than nothing when you’re trying to drive atmosphere in an MMO.

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Is this about body type 2 people?

I don’t understand why there’s just so much clipping in WoW even now.

There’s so many cool mogs I have had to abandon because of clipping ruining them.

Clipping is going to be inevitable, especially in a game where you can customize your character.

Clipping is the main reason I don’t play Tauren much.

Sure, but there is no attempt in WoW to minimize it. And it’s a fine criticism to say as much.

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Yeah… When I saw the shoulders clipping through their face when using a two handed weapon I said “Not for me”.

All that work to unlock the High Mountain too…

Maybe that’s because, the solutions to solve clipping might not be easy to solve like we thought it would. It might result in less customization options, or hindering the controls…

Yes, it sucks, but what are you going to do? :man_shrugging:

Us Void Elves barely have any customization already… But still so much clipping…

I say give the solution to the player’s hands, that being scaling options. :slight_smile:

It is easy to mitigate clipping. The ways to mitigate it are nearly limitless.

Generally speaking, if I clip during animations I don’t bat an eye. It’s when I clip while I’m idling that I raise a brow.

It is harder to retroactively mitigate clipping, but we’re 18 years in with next to no effort put into it. It’s not some new technology Blizzard would need to implement.

It’s not like I hate WoW because of the clipping, but it’s still a valid criticism.

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…Care to name me a few?..

I’ve never it wasn’t. I’ve said there’s not much to be done about it without negatively affecting the game.

Moving the anchor points on attachments, reducing the size of certain elements, tweaking certain parts’ angles, fiddling with animations in numerous ways ranging from noticeable to wildly subtle, chopping certain things like hair into parts that can be individually scaled and reused (the bottom part of long hair for hats, per hat)

It’s not exactly creative to come up with genuine solutions.


I get what you’re saying, this is just a lot of work to fix clipping of one particular animation or weapon. Because you got to keep in mind that not all animations or Weapons are built the same.


…What’s not genuine about my solution? :point_down: