Begging for a response to the Lava Burst nerf

Exactly and if we get 2 leggos in 9.1 then this makes complete sense.

In no way am I saying the sky is falling. I literally said ele single target is fine, which is why i dont understand the nerf. Ele isnt OP in single target situations, and a nerf to LvB is a nerf to both LvB in single target and cleave. The problem with “these classes” is they preform well in both aoe and single target. Which is why i believe it is an issue to nerf LvB for ele single target, which is competitive but not top tier. The aoe buffs are welcome and I am glad we recognized that we were falling behind there. And yes it IS a nerf to more than just cleave. LvB is used in single target as well…

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There is no nerf to LB.

there is a nerf to LvB.


With adequate compensation to ES.

The former of which is nearly being doubled in damage for elemental, not even counting the CL buff.

I should really just stop counting how many times I have to say in this same exact thread that ST damage is not seeing any significant change with these new spell values.

Starting to think maybe I need to make a pretty chart like the other guy did? That seemed to get some traction despite not having any relevancy to what was being talked about.

Listen its not like i’m up in arms about a 10% nerf to LvB. I understand its not some massive sweeping nerf that will drastically change our damage profile. But like the thread started with it would be nice to get some clarifications as to why they are deciding to nerf it. Its just odd.

ES buff does not equal LvB nerf. Their damage accomplishes different things in many situations. It might be a net gain but it is not compensation, its different.

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What CL buff? I haven’t seen any buff.

You’ve gotten the clarification several times over. They are shifting our dmg out of LvB and into Earth Shock.

This is because of PvP which can be ridiculous with echo, pwave, and overloads on LvB. It does some nasty dmg. Earth Shock is cast significantly less in the burst combo which brings our pvp insanity back a bit, but not much — and doesn’t necessarily hurt PvE because the damage has simply shifted.

Then make a pvp specific change like they have hundreds of times in the past?

Also glad thats enough clarification for you. Its not for me, thats not an explanation thats just you stating the patch notes.

Go to twitter then. You must be new to shaman because they hardly ever clarify changes…even when we organized the community and took over and entire Q&A they still didn’t clarify.

I know you feel entitled to an explanation, but its just what I said. ST overall dmg isn’t changing.

This is a nerf to burst damage…which is prevalent to PvP.

I’m not the one posting on a druid in the shaman forum. lol. Hardly new to shaman. Nowhere in the blue posts do they explain why they are nerfing LvB. They talk about making ES feel more meaningful as a spender, which is great, make sense. And again you mention pvp, which shouldn’t even be a factor when talking about pve content as changes frequently happen specifically for pvp tuning.

I’m not going to get in a back and forth with you though, don’t really care what your opinion is, I care about blizzards opinion on the class and why they make the changes they do.


Convoke and combust.

Convoke was already nerfed. Combust isn’t strong on its own. It’s strong due to Triune triple buff protection.

Combust without it is instantly purged and garbage.

i dont think thats the goal here. elemental isnt insane in pvp atm, and the ridiculous damage doesnt really come from primordial wave and lava bursts… it comes from Stormkeeper crits. Lava burst is only part of the rotation to grant MoTE. each lava burst is typically ~3k with outlier around 5k… stormkeeper lightning bolt crits are commonly 15k+ and you get 4 chances at those.

im not saying primordial, echo, lavarbust lava burst, isnt going to chunk someone, but that entire set up is probably still less than a single lightning bolt crit.

and if the goal is to lower elemental burst, then buffing Earth Shock runs fairly counter to that goal. I understand it will be harder to generate maelstrom, but theres no way you should be shut down so hard you cant get 60 maelstrom in 45seconds. im usually capped maelstrom and banking it for the right moment as is.

Around stormkeeper yes, but Ele has other burst windows that can also do work — either with Aftershock procs (which will only be stronger with the Earth Shock dmg change) and Echoing Shock, both with windspeaker leggo.

It’s also not uncommon for me to get 7-8 LvB in my burst combo, despite only casting 2-3 due to overloads – whereas I am unsure if the LBs can overload more than what stormkeeper lets them do.

My LvBs crit for around 4k atm, and with an overload that’s 8k — with echo or pwave that’s sitting around 10-12k, which is exactly what LB does on the lower crit end. Difference is, LvB guaranteed to crit, while LB is not.

But it does have it.

Right…so if fire wasn’t an issue previously with combustion, which it wasn’t…the issue is the triune legendary and not combustion. So you look at that legendary or you look at counters. They stated they don’t want to nerf any legendaries so the solution is to increase dispels. Purge costing 10% Mana should go back to 2 buff removal.

Really hoping in the “Honor Talent Refresh” something like purifying waters will turn into a talent that makes Purge remove two buffs.