Beer or Wine?

how many bowling alleys serve chianti or merlot?

your honor the defense rests

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Neither, Iā€™m a bit young for those. I have Soda and Water. Although I remember sneaking in a sip of alcohol once, yuck.

What time?

Pre-noon coffee and water, because it is unseemly to drink beer as soon as you wake up.

Post-noon beer and water, because beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be merry. Note, if I am in a rotten mood just water. Donā€™t enjoy beer when I am in a bad mood.

Water because I donā€™t want to die of kidney failure.

I do like wine, but it gives me a headache. I think I am allergic to the sulfites they use to preserve it.

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Beer, specifically craft Pale Ale. We have some lovely breweries here: Little Creatures and 50 Lashes probably taste the best.

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Tequila, because Tequila.

vodka and mt dew live wire or as it was known out west where I used to bar hop an electric screwdriver

Water and coffee


Not bad. I prefer The Swindler myself.

Clear Vodka cause beer in Canada is ikky ā€¦ and I donā€™t mean that pet in-game. And Wineā€¦ wellā€¦ never was a big wine fan, gives me a headache after also.


Also I donā€™t drink often. Water is the best addiction.

I donā€™t really like either but if I had to choose one Iā€™d go with a port wine. The sweeter, the better

Neither Iā€™m not an alcoholic.

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I like wine. Canā€™t go wrong with a nice red.



Iā€™d probably drink whiskey or brandy.

Beer tastes terrible for me, and wine is a acquired taste.

Iā€™m stuck on hazy IPAs right now so probably beer. :laughing:


Water and hot tea.

I do have a Fresca once in a while. If I consume alcohol I prefer a glass of a sweet white

My god those are delicious. Sadly I havenā€™t been able to find any lately. Everything winter or Christmas styles at the moment.


I usually only drink alcohol 2-3 times per months tops and itā€™s usually some kind of Belgian style beer. Wine tastes better but makes me sleepy like crazy unless Iā€™m drinking it amidst a conversation, in which case its tastiness makes it too easy to get carried away.