Bee mount is actually faction locked to Alliance

^^^^^^^^^male human paladin post^^^^^^^^^^^^^^::

Lol thanks for calling bull on a point that was demonstrably proven. Back when WoD was current there was a leaderboard that outlined the top teams. You could physically see how the Alliance had 95% representation.

You’re making fun of me and you just made a fool of yourself. The irony is palpable.


I don’t need to do that. All my toons are called Eve if I wanted to like my own posts it’d look like this.


Why are u so dilusional , link some proof of that “95%” because if u cant do that you are talking no sense . If u cant prove it with facts that i can see , dont respond .

It will most likely end up being tagged for both factions.

Back in the 8.1.5 PTR, the frog mounts were first listed as Horde only. Later on Blizz changed it and listed it as usable for both factions.

Edit: Also, the Nightsaber mounts were also listed as Alliance only, and that got changed as well.

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Only reason I can’t is because I’m on a mobile device. Once I’m one my computer at home, I will.

You talk of delusion, keep doing so. It’ll be sweeter when I prove you wrong and you backpedal


Why do you care about PvP when you only have 2.5k kills?

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He’s Alliance he’s looking for some reason to complain about. His next point will be mythic raiding and how it’s unfair all top end guilds are Horde when he’s likely an LFR hero.



because this an alt that i just level up . . .i can see u r a smart one.

Post on your mythic raider/gladiator. We’ll wait. Excellent way for you to score one point here.

No wait, don’t tell me. “I’ve got nothing to prove to you”


Ahhh, sweet, divine justice.

How funny would it be to imagine a bee mount could potentially solve the faction imbalance? lol


You don’t have to get upset, Dragonslayer.

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You are a horde player dude , you are already blind to the truth lol.

because i need to prove to some random player what i am or not , i prefer to be in the shadows .


So much edge this quote belongs on a shirt sold at Hot Topic.


In all fairness, Holybrain actually is better than you in pvp. verdict for [Holybrain]: 2v2: 0 PR, 2000 achieve | 3v3: 0 PR, 2200 achieve | 5v5: 0 PR, 2000 achieve | RBG: 2300 achieve verdict for [Evè] 2v2: 1500 PR, 1550 achieve | 3v3: 1500 PR, 0 achieve | 5v5: 0 PR, 0 achieve | RBG: 0 achieve

all your alt accounts consistently show as well that the highest you’ve ever made was 1.5k


i prefer to stay in the shadows but im a main rbg player .

You ain’t wrong, chief.

The other person tried calling your bluff.

That didn’t end up too well.

yikes… embarrassing.

Also rbgs are incredibly frustrating holy christ


Calls it Horde BIAS when it isn’t the Alliance that goes through a Warchief every expansion.


I Bork… Not yap.

the Horde can have bees too. I’ve already laced their drinking water with BEES

That’s right Horde, you better not trust your government. They’ve been putting BEES in your water.


but i don’t want bees i want actually something interesting :sob: