I can’t speak for what he did, but opening with Improved Lay on Hands is absolutely overkill in any situation, and wastes a cooldown. Threat isn’t an issue in our guild unless DPS think they’re cheeky and try to start damage as soon as the boss aggros.
From what I last saw of his gear, he was only missing 1-2 min/max pieces upon entering BWL. Beyond that, I don’t know about consumables, and we don’t require BL consumables for our raid and leave those entirely up to the individual to farm for. However, he did have more HP outside of bear form than I did when we were both buffed. (I think I was around 6460~, and he had 6600+? I know he was over 8100, at least, in bear a couple times that I saw, but again, I don’t recall buffs. He’s been gone for a while now, replaced with a cat druid.)
As for the other post, the OTs apply Thunder Clap (such as myself), but the frequency of this varies from boss to boss. Our MT is very geared (and not even close to BiS, since BWL is mostly caster loot so far), but I throw it on during the lull between forced tank swaps. Demo Shout/Roar is always on, though.
Broodlord one-shot me the first week, but I had JUST taken the official OT spot after our last OT gquit overnight with no notice, after getting all of the gear funneled to him. I was very undergeared to be tanking BWL, as I was designated to be a primary DPS warrior forever, and the other warriors (namely both of our Sulfuras/BRE warriors) were being given the gear for OTing. After the first week, I’ve survived Mortal Strike every time, and it only takes a Greater Stoneshield. At the current stage, our MT doesn’t even risk dying anymore. But the first week our feral kept getting bulldozed on Broodlord and the drakes once he was swapped to. Nobody knows why, other than that he could’ve been extremely unlucky.
Anyway. I think the emphasis on Feral’s strengths vs. Warriors’ tanking strengths is overkill. We ran both just fine, but like I said… we replaced our feral’s tanking spot. We just happened to have another warrior prepared to be the tertiary tank before we recruited another druid, and we opted for a cat druid, since the new warrior is cool with their tanking spot, and it doesn’t negatively affect our raid’s performance. I’m confident that, had we gotten another bear druid instead, it wouldn’t have mattered either way, except maybe having an additional 3% crit buff for another party.