That’s a p-server, and notably not even a particularly good one.
That’s a p-server, and notably not even a particularly good one.
It’s surprisingly hard to find a tank PoV of vanilla Maexxna.
At 5:34 a single melee takes their MT to 20% health, does that suffice?
does he as malphurion bulwark what does he as is he armor cap. I know some people that are already armor cap on there bear
Gluck finding a Tanking Fury Warrior with Anticipation, Deflection, or more than 3/5 Toughness.
By Naxx that build will be practically required due to threat limitations on raid DPS.
Shield Block gets taken down. Parry trigger haste is 1 mechanic, Enrage is another, adds can be a third…and so on and so forth. Facing an attack every 2s for 10s with only 2 charges of Imp Block means a Warrior will face crushes.
BiS tanking gear at endgame is about 10k AC for a Warrior. Warriors will take no avoidance nor defense talents and only gain +6% AC from gear from toughness.
It takes a Stoneshield pot, full normal buff and pot layout, in addition to Dev Aura for the Alliance to near 13.8k…which is needed to AC cap at 17,265 with Inspiration.
Since Stoneshield shares cooldown with other pots, ie Frost, Nature, Rage, you won’t always have it…which means a Warrior is quite a bit short on AC under those circumstances.
You’re still using a warrior, not a bear.
When your incapacitated by Web Spray you can’t use avoidance…including Block…hence your open to Crushes with less AC and HPs to deal with it.
Not to mention Poison Shock not being avoided…
Its hard to tell with the quality of the video but my guess would be a Pshock + melee hit.
I can’t be certain though Ian…just a thought.
When your incapacitated by Web Spray you can’t use avoidance…including Block…hence your open to Crushes with less AC and HPs to deal with it.
You’d use a warrior so you can shield wall through the enraged web spray. If DPS is high enough to avoid that you could use a bear.
Its hard to tell with the quality of the video but my guess would be a Pshock + melee hit.
7k crit + 1k poison shock would be about right.
In this video? No, during the Enrage, the raid gets webwrapped and the Tank eats 3-4 hits, plus either hits of Poison Shock or adds, hard to say, and drops insanely low from full health, but still lives.
Here you can actually see the Tank health percentages as this is a Healer POV. Tank only has 10k Health and he’s not spiking from any melee hits more than 3.5k at a time. He gets web wrapped through the hard Enrage and lives. The Last Stand section looks sketchy because he takes a hit right as it falls off, so it looks like he drops from having 13k to 6.5k but the buff simply falls, and that’s during the 30% increase.
It just isn’t that serious in terms of damage. You have to remember that the boss has a conal 2k-ish instant poison attack, and the Tank has to survive a long time with ZERO direct healing. No one will survive if Maexxna is regularly chunking us down for a third to half our health every hit.
I don’t see how you can say it’s not serious. He’s consistently taking 3k melees. There’s a 3.8k melee at 4:25. He goes on long avoidance strings which gives the healers time to get another shield up and block value at that stage of gear is around 200.
He lives through the enraged web spray because he shield walls through it. You’re not going the survive to enraged web spray without it.
A crit is around 7k, with a poison shock and another melee you’d be globalled.
He survives more than one, and Last Stand is decidedly weaker than Shield Wall.
Because any Boss that puts the entire raid on hold for 8 sec isn’t going to hit that hard.
Finally, this Warrior only had 10k Health with a Flask on. That’s… not that much. So before I go assessing the dangers of a raid encounter I’d rather like to know exactly what kind of gear is being used here and why.
He survives more than one, and Last Stand is decidedly weaker than Shield Wall.
What? That isn’t true. There’s a web spray at 3:33 with the boss at 32%, not enraged.
Then another at 4:04 that’s enraged and the boss dies at 4:33.
We just went through three videos where the boss hits really really hard when enraged, ~3k blocked melees. I dunno what else to say, it can easily global a 10k health warrior with a crit.
10k health with a flask is plenty unless you’re going to go get spirit of zandalar and mol’dar’s moxie for every single Maexxna kill and of course everything is going to be easy with world buffs trivializing it.
You’re right, he Last Stands right at the start of the Enrage.
No, we went through a garbage p-server video, a video in which no one can really tell what is happening, let alone put any numbers to anything, and a video from a Healer PoV showing a mere 10k Health never dipping past 50%. With Shield Wall up, he soaks the stun and doesn’t drop under 8k health. Shield Wall is a very solid defensive CD, but it isn’t going to take you from “easily globaled” to “trivially survive”
This is… uhh… what? 10k health right now on a Warrior requires some hefty world buffs, but not in AQ40/Naxx gear, which Curse was decidedly not one-shotting 13 years ago to get there. A Druid can trivially hit 10k right now.
No, we went through a garbage p-server video, a video in which no one can really tell what is happening, let alone put any numbers to anything, and a video from a Healer PoV showing a mere 10k Health never dipping past 50%. With Shield Wall up, he soaks the stun and doesn’t drop under 8k health. Shield Wall is a very solid defensive CD, but it isn’t going to take you from “easily globaled” to “trivially survive”
I mean first up, that’s not true. At 4:26 of the curse video he drops to 20% health. Right before that a hit takes him from 7203 to 3519 health.
Secondly, yes with a 75% damage reduction up and a shield and three max rank hots rolling he doesn’t drop low, though he takes about 6k damage through shield wall over the 10 second stun which is 24k without it.
The globaled referred to is if he was crit. Even if we say the melee damage is 3k, that’s absolutely in easily globaled territory. 1s swing timer. 6k crit, 1.5k poison shock, 3k melee dead in one second.
This is… uhh… what? 10k health right now on a Warrior requires some hefty world buffs, but not in AQ40/Naxx gear, which Curse was decidedly not one-shotting 13 years ago to get there. A Druid can trivially hit 10k right now.
Druids aren’t warriors. I don’t think stamina is actually going to increase that much going to ahn’qiraj gear. Warrior tier 2.5 actually has less stamina than Wrath, just a lot more threat stats.
If I go and input BIS tank warrior gear for phase 3 into the wowhead gear planner base health is 5489. Phase 5 BIS base health that you’re going into Naxxramas with is 5569.
No, we went through a garbage p-server video, a video in which no one can really tell what is happening
Out of curiosity what counts as a good private server? There’s plenty of good quality recent videos on servers like Light’s Hope and Kronos that are supposedly original tuning.
This one is on Light’s Hope. The enrage starts at 1:47. There’s a 3583 melee (178 blocked) at 1:56 into a 3364 melee a second later into a 3500 melee a second later. He takes a 940 and 970 hit through shield wall which are 3760 and 3880 hits respectively.
He’s got 9800 HP with a flask.
This one is on Kronos. The tank has 9469 HP with a flask. There’s a 3417 blocked melee at 3h31m42s. There’s a 5785 crushing blow at 3h31m51s. And a 4021 melee at 3h32m5s.
Here’s Lightbringer. At 51m25s their tank with 10,000 HP dies in under 2 seconds to the enrage with no web spray up.
I could be off here but I feel like defence cap might be a good idea on Maexxna.
Also it looks like a lot of these private server guilds aren’t using demoralizing shout, which would explain why the private server appears to hit harder. Also the 2006 vanilla guilds tend to not use curse of recklessness.
Smoother transition flow of damage taken will be better for sure, I can see a worst case of a crit,poison, melee would equal a dead tank.
I guess to stop that you would defense cap to prevent a crushing.
Maexxna is deceptive. Its like the 3 Drake encounters in BWL…a combination of factors that can deliver large amounts of damage that are frequently underestimated.
As a result, as a Bear tank, the drakes worried me more than Broodlord.
Maexxna has a spike mechanic by interfering with healers and reducing avoidance through the Sprays. Combined with Pshock, it can make recovery from the burst a tricky thing.
Bears have a HP lead by Naxx over Warriors by about 600 to 900 HPs, because bears are pursuing avoidance or threat by the end of AQ.
However with that said, Bears can have far far greater EH levels than a Warrior if they don’t fully stack avoidance.
Normally that wouldn’t be ideal, but when the Poison Shock is a spell resist, and your avoidance doesn’t work while incapacitated, then the burst damage a Bear would face isn’t subject to avoidance…and overtly stacking it doesn’t make any sense.
At 4:21 he’s full health, and it takes multiple melee hits and shocks to get him low as the Priest winds up two Heals, and all the other Healers wake up and finish a cast. The Priest is OOM at this point so I’m going to bet the other Healers are nearly so as well, hence the spotty healing.
How are you figuring 6k+ damage when he didn’t dip past 2k worth? HoTs only tic once every 3 sec, and none of those HoTs are worth that much in two tics worth. Same with a PW:S. You’re massaging a lot.
No Naxx Warrior is going to be subject to critical hits outside of Shield Block.
So we’re letting Thunderfury/Thunderclap fall off while dying to 10.5k damage which is less burst than what Broodlord and Vek’nilash can do right now? Bears soak that easily and then some.
If survivability is the name of the game, a Warrior, without a single enchant, can get 6,219 Health in Tier 2 items, and 6,339 in a mix of Tier 2 and Tier 2.5. Any amount of Tier 3 is going to replace the Tier 2 pieces in a heartbeat.
None. P-servers that attempted “blizz-like” still failed at tuning the encounters on a variety of fronts, with damage being a notably poor metric. One of the servers let players exceed armor cap for a long time, so much so that one of the popular p-server Druid write-ups talks about going well into the 20k+ Armor Values on Patchwerk as an effective strategy. Damage was tweaked and tuned to be apparently appropriate against the videos found, but Boss Attack Power wasn’t a solved issue either, so that was merely guessed at.
Nax geared ferals should have 75% physical damage reduction and can easily hit >14k hp. You don’t avoid crits as ferals. You survive them.
Its not 1s.
Enrage is +50% haste…ie 1/1.5 = .67 resultant delay.
A 2s delay drops to 1.34s as a result…NOT 1s
Yeah I didn’t even bother checking it.
Are haste buffs and debuffs additive or multiplicative?
Buffs are mult, don’t know how they interact with debuffs though.