Be very careful when trading gold between game versions folks

Glinda Im really trying to give you the benefit of the doubt and take you at your word. I’ve already edited my post to remove the specific name of the prominent gold swapping discord you took issue with, and now I’m offering to do more for you.

Are you in any Server Discords or Class Discords for Classic/WotLK, I can send you a ton of screenshots I’ve taken over the years to remember and celebrate massive amounts of gold I made; for instance, 117k profit in the first 6 hours of ToC launching from my massive investment in Titanium Ore, which roughly turned into 800,000g gold profit after everything was priced out, cut, crafted, and disenchanted.

I can even send you my TSM data if you’d like, you can see exactly where every copper came from.

I see Preecher made a post in Customer Support to argue the suspension there. That isn’t the place Preecher. Nio one at Blizz will debate there. It will end up locked. No devs/gms will even look there, just the 2 SFA’s now and then (those are the two who will close it if it continues too far).

Start a fresh post here for a debate on how you feel Blizz should deal with cheaters. Give it a nice title. That will get seen.

My goal isn’t to debate it, my goal was to get eyes on it, hopefully, the eyes of a GM or CM that could potentially look into it. It seems like they’ve responded to and have helped resolve other issues on this Forum, I was hoping for the same :confused:

Right. No GMs go there. An appeal is just a chance for a new pair of eyes to look at the case. That is it.

If you appealed, good luck. I hope it gets overturned. But based on what we’ve recently, they aren’t throwing these out lightly and have some pretty solid behind the scenes evidence.

I’d start a new thread on how you feel Blizz should deal with cheaters. It will get looked at I am certain.

You’re gonna tell the truth?

I’m proud of you.

I hear confession is good for the soul.


I’ll take you at you word Preecher, but I still can’t fault Blizzard too much.

This is just a bad game to turn into a gold making exercise right now considering all the problems with RMT and the ‘bad actors’. As far as I understand, a lot of the detection is algorithmic, a lot of the gold is dirty, and Blizz is taking a harder stance against gold shenanigans, at least in SoD. The RMT’ers aren’t going to care about a single account being banned while an honest gold maniac such as yourself is going to feel it.

An innocent person trading gold/boosting/whatever else is painting a target on their back. Assuming you’re being honest it sucks that you got got, but I think people like you are just unfortunately gonna get caught up in the crossfire.

If you won’t enjoy SoD without dealing with large amounts of gold, this might not be the game for you. Unless you’re ready to catch another ban. It is what it is. Blizzard has to do something, it’s gotten out of hand lol


I’m legitimately worried about this, I give away so much… I recognize that I’m in a fortunate position that allows me to afk at the auction house and alt+tab over to relist my auctions every minute or so while at work, and I take that fortune and pay it forward to those I play with regularly. I had an old guildie from Season of Mastery who had come back to Wrath for ICC, and I KITTED them out, every Ulduar crafted BoE, every ToC crafted BoE, every Normal Mode epic BoE, full gems, enchants, the works, 30k gold minimum, and I gave them 10k on top of it as “throwing around gold” for their epic flying mount, and whatever else they might need going forward. And we had a blast. It was so fun to be able to do that, and then it was fun being able to raid with him again.

In SoD I’ve already paid for people to level new professions (as new information about crafted epics/consumable buffs were announced) so that our raid could be stronger as a whole, I’ve covered the cost of consumes for many of them, Alot of gold moves in and out of my hands, and im seriously concerned that I might get banned again for trying to strengthen my guildies & take my fortunate circumstance & “pay it forward”.

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If you keep it simple, clean and do not automate or do weird transactions, you’ll be fine. Stay away from shady players. Play the AH if that is what you like, plenty do and have never had or ever will have a problem.

The vast majority of players have never been actioned and never will be. There was a Blue post along those lines awhile back, mentioning something like that. But given the millions of players over the 20 years, it is kinda common sense too. Most just play the game, have fun, and it is good.

This isn’t that hard.

I’d also suggest you stop moving gold between servers. Earn your gold there.

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I am more than happy to share those screenshots and my entire TSM Addon Data with you, or anyone else who’s even remotely interested in seeing it. Just let me know how/where to send it to you

also, why did you delete your message?

Not surprising as alot of GDKP’ers probably want to move their RMT’ed gold to versions where they can use it for GDKP’s or Gametime.

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We already know that your TSM will show you bought RMT gold.


and im seriously concerned that I might get banned again for trying to strengthen my guildies & take my fortunate circumstance & “pay it forward”.

then do it with resources from sod, not wrath

if blizz didn’t make this bannable on both ends (if you receive dirty gold ofc) what stops literally any person who gets caught buying gold claiming they were just trading gold and got screwed over?

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I do both. I raid with some really amazing players, some of which who work back-breaking service industry jobs for very minimal pay. I’ve given away tens of thousands of my WotLK fortune to guildies who could really use an extra $15 a month in their pocket. I can give em a few thousand gold, have them buy WoW tokens with that, and save themselves the $15 a month it would’ve otherwise cost them.

And in SoD, the support is similar, but more geared towards consumes, professions, and crafted/boe items that our raid needs.

Obviously, I’m sure there’s tons of cheaters out there, just like criminals in the real world, who say “oh i didnt do it! wasn’t me!” but SURELY Blizzard’s system can see that I traded away 65,000 gold to a player in WotLK, and then they traded me 330g in Season of Discovery.
And if you’re going to say “wElL wHaT iF yOu bOuGhT tHe WotLK gOlD”, the swap rates a woefully unfavorable for anyone doing that, if a cheater is going to cheat and buy gold, they’re going to buy it in the game version they’re playing.

Are you in the Priest Classic Discord? Shaman Classic? Druid Classic? ANy Server Discords? I have offered to “open my books” to you and anyone else countless times, and I guess you weren’t expecting that because your bot script seems to have broken and you’re just stuck in a loop now. My name is “Preacher” in all of those Discords, anyone reading this is welcome to message me there and I can send everything over.

Are you in the Priest Classic Discord? Shaman Classic? Druid Classic? Any Server Discord? My name is “Preacher” on all of them, you and anyone else is welcome to message me there and I’ll send over my entire books.

I do both, I have Guildies who work back-breaking service industry jobs who could really use an extra $15 bucks in their pocket, I can give them a few thousand gold, have them go buy game time with it, and then pocket the $15 they would’ve otherwise spent for IRL needs.

In SoD my gold contributions are more geared towards consumes, professions, and any crafted/BoE items the raid might need.

Yes but SURELY Blizzard can see that I traded someone 65,000g in WotLK and minutes later they traded me 330g in SoD.

Why was my post removed? Is it because I said my name is “Preacher”?

Are you in the Priest Classic Discord? Shaman Classic? Druid Classic? Any Server Discord? My name is {REDACTED?} on all of them, you and anyone else is welcome to message me there and I send over my entire books.

I do both, I have Guildies who work back-breaking service industry jobs who could really use an extra $15 bucks in their pocket, I can give them a few thousand gold, have them go buy game time with it, and then pocket the $15 the would’ve otherwise spent for IRL needs.

In SoD my gold contributions are more geared towards consumes, professions, and any crafted/BoE items the raid might need.

Yes but SURELY Blizzard can see that I traded someone 65,000g in WotLK and minutes later they traded me 330g in SoD.

So you’re not allowed to say what your Discord name is? it’s VERY SIMILAR to my World of Warcraft Name :smiley:
I use the same name everywhere online, I’m a Security Analysts worst nightmare


17 hours later…

Listen, will you be able to sleep tonight if I tell you that I believe you?

I’m willing to do that.

Here: “I believe you.”

Now, go and sin no more.

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I had a great night’s rest, ty for asking <3

I did not ask.

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Yes but SURELY Blizzard can see that I traded someone 65,000g in WotLK and minutes later they traded me 330g in SoD.

im sure they probably could, but do they care to?

its not supported and i doubt they particularly want people doing it, easier for them to just blanket leave it bannable if the AI decides to bonk you for receiving botted gold, or if it doesn’t take transactions on other servers into account and thinks you bought gold.

speculative ofc, who knows how the AI works.