Battleground Holidays and Realm Adjustments – March 10

this IS normal

Vanilla had battlegroups during this time period (1.12)
And it had more groups than we have with less realms in each battle group than we have now.

obvious troll is obvious


east coast twinks miss playing against whitemane

this isnt good for you either, why are we faction blaming? this effed both factions. stop with the hate dude.

Ya, well we can’t go back in time and force Horde to not screw the game for both factions- damage is done.

The NA split however does no damage to Alliance, and if we’re going to continue with the Horde’s desire to see other players not enjoy the game enough to quit- one might say it even benefits the Alliance.

how you spoken to both factions of all brackets? because you’re wrong.

‘All brackets’ meaning twinks that actively destroy their brackets by pushing out levellers and then complain they’ve destroyed their brackets?

They’re doomed in every iteration of the game, nothing can be done to change that.

Bump Till Blue

Bamp it up

Plz undo changes for sub 60 na gamers

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I support the pvp bump and would also like some info on ZG release timing.

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BUMP!!! Ez




You do realize Kaivax has nothing to do with the decision to do the split right?

The reason given for this change has got to be a lie.

It makes no sense that such a little issue of differing time-zones needed such a drastic solution.

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What I realize is that he still hasn’t responded after numerous threads and thousands of posts about this issue. It is atrocious customer service.

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he isn’t part of the customer service team

Maybe they think killing off interest in classic will increase it for shadowlands? Only thing I can fathom.

You are both spoiling their delusions.

Not to mention, it has been pointed out so many times already.
I think the concept is just invisible or something.