Battleground blitz is unfair

yeah those 1300 bracket wintraders really gatekeeping everyone from combatant smh


Are you okay, little brother?

You know who I am and know which threads I post in weeks ago. I have no clue who you are. We are not the same. :sunglasses:

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You’re the MW monk who whines about mythical boosters in blitz, calls people who disagree with you “boosters”, and gets outhealed by dps in matches, and you’ve also apparently tried to throw several matches.

I’m glad we’re not the same.


:rofl: :joy: :sweat_smile: :laughing: :grin: haha lol rofl lmao

no matter how many mean words you try to throw at me from behind your FORUM ALT TROLL account, none of them can take away the fact I have 2 MWs over 2600 CR and regularly play in 3k lobbies :sunglasses: (while being ONE OF THE ONLY non-wintraders/queue syncers to do so)

I’ve climbed out of elo hell twice on my evoker. Games above 1900 are ironically easier. Not sure how, or why, but imho elo hell DOES exist.


Makes me feel like thats when the preliminary phase finally ends… which is crazy. Hey, you can finally play with people im a higher skill bracket who knows the objectives. What?

I think it’s all relative. Because people at higher ratings make stupid mistakes too. Just less often.

Have you played golf with every boosting service executive to gain this insider knowledge? Would you be interested to know that you can purchase a rating boost to 2200 + for a character you have no rating or pvp gear on?

Makes sense.

I just want to stop being grouped with 450 to 1k players who obviously are doing weeklies with no comprehension on what to do (which mostly isnt their faults, just a blizzard design problem).

It really is a coin flip down there.

I was up close to 2k almost instantly. At least whatever those numbers are that rank the team. I think I’m back down to like 1600 now. I don’t particularly pay any attention to the rating but the thing that really got me to stop and probably start focusing on pve was my last few matches all had five frost mages on the enemy team. It’s absolutely an awful experience and basically impossible to win games like that. I can’t do it. Lol…

I’ve just finally after all these years even playing casually have admitted to myself that they don’t care about pvp and it is indeed an afterthought for the current dev team. It’s simply not worth the aggravation.

I wish you guys all luck with it though. Hopefully they get it straightened out a little better. But honestly taking pvp seriously at all in their game is an exercise in futility.

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It happens with a losing streak. On my boomy and dh its happened to me. dropped 400 on boomy and dh dropped 240 before was able to get the climb. Still havent even climbed back up all the way on dh yet. You gotta win 3-4 0pt games than can finnaly get your mmr to your cr and gain pts again. Its a rough battle for sure. now when i lose a few games i just take a break from that char. cuz those losing streaks can be brutal climb back up. Because i had more wins than losses but say out of 15 games i gained 7-10pts for 2 of my wins out of like 9wins, the rest where 0. while the losses are 17-22ish. but have hope try your best on strats to help carry the team back to victory. you got this!


Last 2K match I was in both of my healers go offense in WSG including a MW that did not want to carry and I was left alone to peel and heal for our FC (a warrior) while on an enh shaman.

There is very little to distinguish between intentional throws and incredibly stupid people. In effect and outcome, they are the same thing.

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Yeah, that’s about what you’d expect from a 2k bg mw.


Maybe it’s a cabal to try and stop people from earning vicious saddles, LOL.

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At 1300 it’s not win trading, it’s players being bad. Leaving a node isn’t win trading at that bracket it’s just normal behaviour.

Yet I’ve seen literal pictures of you being outhealed by a dps in multiple lobbies. Weird.

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Link one “literal picture” that isnt a flag map

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Just look at the particpation data and see who all is above what rank. It is not many.

MMR is capped basically until the end of the season then everyone crams in. Same pattern basically.

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Its possibly by Design!!! Old saying Crabs in a bucket, as one tries to climb up its pulled back down lol. Keeps you paying, sorry I mean Playing lol. Alot of trolls throwing games for fun on alts… Also now that player participation is low, many of your games will be landing in queue sync Premade games, by professional players boosting accounts for cash. Blizz knows whats going on, and their Inaction says everything you need to know, just another Dead pvp season.

40 Epic BG Premades farming honor in mass, converting it into red gems for the AH, then to gold. Dozens of websites would not exist if they was not raking in the cash.