Battle Pet Cut Off?

Another huge mission!! good times… sorta! :smiley:

They upped the val’kyr spawn? :unamused:

I flew around the spawn points for days/weeks on that one, and divebombed a spawn, just barely beating out some dude who stood there and rage-spitted at me the entire time.

That’s what it said somewhere a year or two ago… I don’t remember where so I can’t verify it.


I remember that too so you’re not going crazy… yet.

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Same way some of us still have a huge stock pile of Marks of Honor. Legion was very very good to “alt army” for World Quests.

I hated obtaining the minfernal. I’d fly into Talonbranch Glade. I’d see several minfernals on the ground. However, when I landed I would be put into a different phase and there wouldn’t be any around. Took me about a week of just parking in Felwood and watching for an hour or so at different periods of the day.

On the other hand, I caught my first Unborn Val’kyr within 5 minutes of starting the hunt.


This. Unless I’m looking for a specific breed, I just take the first one I find.

It all depends on the rarity of the wild pet. Sometimes I’ll play around with a common pet, looking for a specific breed or a rare version. But if it’s rare, such as the minfernal mentioned in this thread, it gets captured no matter what. I can always stone it later.

I just capture the first pet I come across that I don’t have yet.

I have two alts sitting at certain pet tamers that I log onto each day to battle and those alts have TONS of blue upgrade stones.

I used to only capture blues, but now I have dozens of each stone and dozens of the universal stones.

I’m going for collected rather than quality, so any’s fine to check them off the list.

If I find a rare further down the line though? Sayonara, gray.

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This thread reminds me that I really need to restock my store of upgrade stones. I only have a couple left.

I’m not much of a battle pet collector but I’ve been known to go out of my way to get a rare spawn battle pet. If a particular battle pet has a limited spawn-time window I’ll go ahead and take the white rarity and try for a better rarity until I get something good or until the window closes.

Yes, they have and same with Minfernal.

My first Minfernal also originated on a Spanish-speaking realm. I think it was Ragnaros.

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Depends. If it’s just a common one or one I’ll never use then I’m fine with even a white level. Just for collection’s sake. I’ll replace it if a better one comes along.

If it’s special or I actually will level it then I’ll take the time to find a rare one.

Brazilians speaks Portuguese. (Ragnaros server is mostly Brazilians but others too)

I take what I can get. Only once or twice have I battled over and over to get a blue version, and only when I was leveling a pet or there were plenty of the pet I was trying to get around. If it’s a rare pet grey is totally fine by me. It’s cheap enough to buy a stone or get one off a WQ.

Hey, Trainer Sifu here. Just catch pets by the stats that are best for them instead of rarity. The Rare upgrade stones are pretty cheap and easy to get.

Depends on the rarity… Like the turtle on the beach on in Pandaria I was glad to get a white… Sometimes I’ll upgrade them, sometimes I won’t. Depends on their battle set. I do have an ultimate goal though to not have anything less than rares in my whole list.

Edit: also want that 5000 pet battle achievement.