Battle for Ashenvale - Runestone LT kill not registered. Un-winnable

Battle for Ashenvale - Runestone LT kill not registered. Un-winnable.

The lieutenant at Runestone was killed but it did not register the kill. The final boss was still immune. All alliance LT’s were double-confirmed dead. There was nothing we could do.

Things to note:
At 100% ally prog. 9X% Horde prob, the game reset the prog back to 80 something. We had two full raid groups at runestone at the start jumping up and down at the spawn point of the LT. When the f irst enemies spawned, the LT and his close defenders did NOT spawn until we killed some of the other enemies that did spawn.

The alliance progress remained 1/3 even though at this time it should have been 0/3. We were unable to progress at all at this point.


confirming map shows npc deads (grey icons) confirmed bosses dead by walking to all locations. shows 1/3 alive on the HUD. boss till immune

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Battle for Ashenvale is no longer spawning anything when the event starts.

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This is happening on Wild Growth. 4 minutes into the event now, no boss spawns.


confirming… seems like when we setup before hand, have raids set to go it breaks. been happening off and on al day on different layers

Opened a discussion on this here.

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