Battle for Ashenvale Fixes -- More Coming

What about it? it’s a nerf, do you really need to know the obvious? there isn’t a lot of reasons why things get nerfed.

Ashenvale was unplayable yesterday on Lone Wolf. Every attempt resulted in layers being switched and resulting in a bugged event with no lieutenants up and an immune final boss.

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This post me laugh so hard I spewed my protein shake all over my monitor.


Layering bugs seem to still be happening, had us swap to an entirely different battle after downing the first guy. But it at least the battle seemed balanced. (We still lost) And we didnt get sent to entirely different zones when we died.

Only comment that I’ve seen left is bugs, and the root mechanic lets a handful of mages wipe the entire raid lol.

Still a broken hot mess. Can we get an ETA on an actual fix for this mess?


This is actually worse than it was.

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Whoa, you don’t get rep after revereded from ashenvale???

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It’s amazing how they fix one bug and at the same time introduce an even worse one…We killed the first 2 bosses and then when number 3 was almost dead, everything “reset” - Both sides went back to 3/3, and the downed camps remained gray on the map but say their bosses are alive again. However, they’re nowhere to be found, and the last boss is completely immune, so neither side has any way to end the battle

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Lol 3 times today be down to 1 or 0 bosses on the scoreboard and bam back to 3 up but they are not around and end boss stays immune. Then it takes the whole damn hour count down before it will even starting going up in precent again.

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Typical Blizard fix. They broke it even worse. Battle for Ashenvale is imposible. Bosses are dead but still shown as alive. So you run back and they are dead.

Sitting here at 30 minutes left, bosses still haven’t spawned.

Edit: Finally spawned with 23 minutes left in the event

I’m pretty sure the hotfix made it worse. I was in an ashenvale today where i was layered 4 times and every time there was nothing spawned. What an awful experience right now. Just awful.

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Just got out of my second Ashenvale event today. Midway through killing the first boss, our entire raid seemingly got layered. It reset the progress at the top for Horde but not alliance, making the final alliance general invincible despite the lieutenants being dead. Good fix Blizz, lmao.

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Not to be a jerk, but the event itself ruined Ashenvale – even if it were running perfectly the zone is no longer fun.

Please do not run an event in STV.

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Typical of Blizzard to completely break something upon attempting to fix it.

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Whatever they did made it 10x worse. This is actually unplayable.


this is still massively broken for the last 48 hours what is going on here?

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Dead silence after breaking ashenvale completely…typical stuff.

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so let me get this straight you attempted to fix an ocasional bug with a hotfix…one that didnt’ actually work and ended up making the issue more frequent…in addition this hotfix has created an entirely new issue that has rendered the battle unwinable, and has cost those of us that participated in these battles since then(up to 13 in a row here) several thousand rep which obviously you have no plans to comp us for…on top of that going on 36 hours later complete radio silence…not even a acknowledgement of the issue let alone rolling back the poorly planed and even more poorly executed hotfix…remind us again why we pay a PREMIUM subscription for this service?

Edit: the truely sad part is during the absolute silence on this issue the player base has actually pinpointed the likely cause of the bug, which is mooguls mirror images if they’re not killed and simply despawn as players are running away it bugs 100% of the time, if they are killed it doesn’t bug at all


HELLO ANY WORD BLIZZARD? mass unsubscription incoming LOL.