Here’s my pitch to fix Voidform without removing it:
All long ramps and stacking mechanics removed: Mass Hysteria, Voidform Haste, Lingering Insanity, Chorus of Insanity, Auspicious Spirits
Mind Blast now has 2 charges, baseline
Void Bolt Rank 2 deleted
Mastery: Madness redesigned:
- For each insanity you generate and spend, you have an accumulating 0.5% chance to spawn a Void Tendril. Void Tendril channels Mind Flay on your current target, damage increased with Mastery.
Shadowform redesigned:
- No longer increases spell damage by 10%
- Grants 15% haste
Voidform redesigned:
- No longer increases spell damage by 20%
- No longer grants stacking % haste
- Voidform grants 30% haste (replaces Shadowform’s 15%)
- Maintaining Voidform drains Insanity at 5 Insanity per second
- While in Voidform your spells no longer increase your Insanity
- Insanity generated during Voidform instead multiplies spell damage (1 + Insanity) * Spell Damage
Shadow Word Void redesigned: Deals 20% more damage than Mind Blast per cast, generates double Insanity on critical strikes (Whispers of the Damned azerite), no longer grants an additional charge (now baseline)
Auspicious Spirits removed, replaced with:
- Face Melter new Mind Flay can be cast while moving and deals increased damage, but you no longer gain Void Bolt while in Voidform
Lingering Insanity removed, replaced with:
- Tendrils from Beyond new While in Voidform, your mastery proc chance is doubled from 0.5% per Insanity to 1% per Insanity interaction (generate or spend)
Death and Madness redesigned: Shadow Word: Death can now be cast on targets above 80% health, and below 35% health
Surrender To Madness redesigned: 3m cooldown, 30s duration. Allows you to cast while moving. Marks a single target for death, while a target is marked you generate 100% more Insanity from all sources. If the target dies during those 30 seconds, you retain increased insanity generation for up to 45 seconds (from cast), from all sources. If the target survives for 30 seconds, you die. Horribly.