Bans, bans, everywhere bans

I think that the whales who have all greens and spend 200+k in Naxx are absolutely buying gold. I’m not arguing that at all, I’m saying the bis players who are going to them for gold are not. Which is where I agree with the fact that RMT for gold and bots shouldn’t exist. Seeing a dude go from all greens to bis in 2 weeks because he spent a paycheck on a gold site is annoying as hell. I’d prefer GDKP to be just for hearing alts and making a little gold outside of main raids. On the Mankrik cluster it’s close to being that way right now. I can’t speak for whitemane

My original posts calling people “brokies” for not having the gold to go were immature. I’ll give you that. I still stand by the fact that blizzard will never fix the game by banning symptoms over the root cause.

You are supporting toxic player behavior with your mentality. The game should be fair to everyone. That’s why GDKP will be banned, it’s unfair.

Open roll is the only fair system to ensure new players get gear to help.


I’m talking loot council to you. For instance for long time guilds they should not be forced to use open rolls. That’s not conducive for progression. For pugs, I don’t care. It would be insane to force loot systems on guilds though.

You may not be directly purchasing gold, but by creating and advocating for an environment that strongly incentivizes gold buying you might as well be. You may not buy it directly but it’s extremely likely that the gold you get form GDKP is purchased.

Whether you like it or not, you’re driving the demand for RMT. You’re not solely responsible for this, but it’s a large contributing factor. The other factor is the hyper-meta culture of WoW driving up the price of consumables, which contributes to RMT as well. GDKP is also very responsible for that though because what do you do with your large quantities of second hand purchased gold?

Right, you go pay for consumables. Because you have a lot more gold than most players you’re willing to pay more, which brings the prices up and pushes players not selling carries in GDKP to purcahse gold.

GDKP surely benefits you individually, but it comes at the expense of the integrity of the game.

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The game itself strongly incentivizes gold buying. Not just merely incentivizes it; strongly incentivizes it. Should we all just stop playing the game?

If your playstyle is subject to a ban by way of breaking the rules then you might want to swap playstyles or something. Asking people to look the other way isn’t in their interests and most of them don’t file reports anyway.

The devil made me do it.

Yeah, and me too. /eyeroll

To suggest the game is at fault for gold buying isn’t much to work with seeing as its completely absurd so please forgive my shallow retort.

Nothing to forgive. A shallow argument screams for a shallow retort.

If you’re unable, or unwilling, to play the game without buying gold (first hand or second hand via GDKP) then yes, you should stop playing the game.

The only reason you, or anybody, chooses to buy gold is because you don’t want to do the activities in the game that you use gold to skip. That’s not the game’s fault, that’s yours. You need to ask yourself why you’re playing the game in the first place.

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This thread is about banning player interactions that are not proscribed in the ToS. Why are you talking to me about buying gold?

Maybe you didn’t hear, but Blizz banned GDKPs from SoD. Hopefully soon with Era and Wrath/Cata.

No, I didn’t hear. Reference please.

You asked a question, I answered. Then I asked you a question…

If you don’t want to play the game, why are you here?

You need to understand that to Zoomers, the point in playing a game is to play it as little as possible. Every thing they do, every approach they take is designed to limit how much they ‘have’ to play. Cut every corner. Find every loop hole. Level as quickly as possible. Min/max to the extreme to ‘get through’ raids as quickly as possible. The experience means nothing. It’s all about efficiency. Having to actually invest time into a video game? What blasphemy is that?!

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I’d return to Classic WoW as a whole if all version got a GDKP ban. Then we’d have raids where it was about the raid, not who needed to be invited to sweeten the pot at the end.


Should I answer questions that have nothing to do with me? e.g., every question that presumes I buy gold, do GDKPs, don’t want to play the game, etc. If you want a discussion, talk about the issue; don’t make assumptions about the posters and then challenge them with those assumptions.

You initiated this line of questioning by asking whether or not we should all just stop playing the game if gold buying is not allowed because, in your words…

You can examine this in the hypothetical, but for someone who proclaims they don’t buy gold you sure are defensive about it.

I will spell this out for you…

The point here is, GDKP is second hand gold buying. The amounts required to attend are beyond what a normal person could be expected to achieve in a reasonable amount of time and so folks attending them with the intention of buying gear are likely to have purchased gold. The folks doing the carrying, who get the payouts, are likely then to receive large quantities of purchased gold.

What then, do they do with this second hand purchased gold? They use it to buy consumables for their raids. Why do they buy them? So they don’t have to spend time farming them. The alternative here is to farm for your own consumables and make them yourself, or in coordination with your guild. GDKP allows them to skip the farming portion of the game and just focus on the content.

Farming for consumables (indeed, farming in general) is a large part of the game that is now called Classic Era. It’s something that differs it from retail, a game where you can indeed easily pay to skip the farming portion of the game. Paying to skip this part of the game indicates that people (which may or may not include you) don’t want to play it.

So… if they don’t want to play the game, why are they here?

I think you should probably answer that question but I’m getting a strong vibe of cognitive dissonance here.

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