Banning Gold Buyers

One problem is public opinion no one really gives a thing when your buddy buy’s gold we need to at least shame gold buyers more often then we use to, change public opinion and make strides slowly but surely to the head of the beast… Susan…


I don’t recall anyone saying nobody bought gold, sold accounts on eBay or violated the rules in other ways.

Those that chose to do so, however, were willingly and deliberately breaking those rules.

That should remain the case in classic, IMO.

If Johnny wants to buy gold because he is too lazy to actually EARN that gold, then he should have to risk his account being hacked or banned as a result of his buying that gold, IMO.

IMO, Blizzard should take firm, harsh and immediate action against anyone buying or selling gold.

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i think this is actually a big issue, we as the community NEED to banned together and not buy gold, because Blizzard will use people buying gold as justification to introduce the WoW Token into Classic.

Why would Blizzard spend time seeking out and banning gold buyers and sellers when they can just say 30% of Classic players have bought gold so clearly you guys want the WoW Token and make bank from it.

It is up to us to combat this by NOT buying gold in the first place.


Others have explained that this applies to police, not to a videogame. I just want to add that traps are different than entrapment. Entrapment is when you go one step further and create a situation where the criminal/victim is forced or extremely pressured to commit the crime. Traps, such as cars with keys left in them, or to catch a predator on dateline nbc, are completely legal.

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Unlike 15 years ago I now have a fairly decent paying wage… what about if I just pay someone to play my account and farm gold for me? … well thats probably against TOS… what about if I pay for a separate subscription for someone to farm gold for me?

Agreed 100%

As you noted, those are all probably (almost definitely, in fact) against the rules.

If Johnny wishes to risk his account being hacked or banned because he is too lazy to actually EARN the gold he wants, that is his choice.

Hopefully, he finds his account banned because chose to cheat and buy gold, even if in a roundabout manner.

Think about what I asked, if I decide to pay for the subscription of someone else, so that they can farm gold for me… i.e they play for free in exchange for gold. While I pay 2x sub price and receive gold… I have just successfully recreated the wow token system in vanilla. (without all the buying/selling).

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So all I need to do to get you banned is just buy 1 dollar worth of gold in your name? Sounds like a great plan!

This post highlights exactly why people on the forums shouldn’t be game designers.

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Considering how gold selling usually isn’t done by sending raw gold over on the mail but rather by using the AH and requires both the buyer and seller to use the AH, good luck with finding a gold selling website that’s dumb enough to send raw gold over the mail.

If you’re going to come up with a snarky retort about getting people banned, make sure it’s realistic in the first place. Sending bought gold over by mail is the best way to get detected right away by Blizzard.


This! I remember getting a terse note from Blizzard about gold selling when I transferred a large sum to a friend of mine.


And you are still buying gold (paying real money for gold), just in a roundabout manner.

The last time I checked, buying gold is a violation of the rules.

For that to even have a chance of working, the person you want banned would have to accept the gold from some random stranger in the first place.

So hey, maybe banning people for gold buying would have the bonus effect of stopping people from accepting/expecting handouts.

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Nah player will get another account.

Well first QQ on forums. Lol

Then get another account. I would ban buyers and sellers. Set up a fake gold buying sight to catch players as well.

Bad idea. You have to think about the exploited gold farmers who will miss meals and in many cases be severely beaten for not meeting quota.

You do realise the oppression or exploitation occurs regardless of wow right? Farming gold back in the day was viewed more preferably than working in a sweat shop or doing manual labour (by anecdotes I heard)… the world can be not a very nice place sometimes, exploitation is pretty much a given in some form.

Yep Ban them all.

Pretty much the biggest problem, they should ban those buyers right away.

Nah, you go after both. 100%.
If there is no market for something there are sellers. It isnt realistic to remove the desire to buy gold, that is why you ban players that get caught. Not short or temp bans but permanent bans.

My dad might beat me If I dont farm enough gold for him. Blizz plz give me 3x gold farming. Kthx.

Definitely not Blizzards fault.

Im not going to look to Blizzard to allow something to keep someone safe intheir country. It is their countries job to ban these practices

You didn’t need to necro this from 4 months back… the original creator never even made a 2nd post on the forums.

But still, they should just put in tokens, win/win.