Sure, the sudden influx of gold will affect certain aspects of the economy, mainly BiS BoEs and other luxury items, but that only relates to a very small portion of the community.
We’re talking about consumables. If it helps, I’ll break it down for you.
How long did it take for you to farm gold for consumables in P1?
What about P2?
and P3?
P1: There wasn’t nearly as many consumables, they were at their cheapest point since gold was mostly collected from selling greens and blues, as most professions weren’t nearly as useful.
P2: Things started picking up, all professions had their uses, and there opened up a LOT more consumables, Chili for example. Chili btw is another that exploded and 10x’d in price. It was directly related with the gold influx. You’ll say LoL NeW PhAsE, it’s still overpriced, because all that gold is still farmable. Prices have forever been changed thanks to a steady supply and influx of gold. Samething goes for gold farming.
P3: Gold Influx made prices skyrocket, you could WATCH the goldfarm directly effect every market. It was EVERY market, not just BoEs, everything became utterly and super overpriced. This is what gold influx does, and this is the exact kind’ve economy GDKP enforces as it makes gold the most important resource in the game. As it can literally even get you all your gear.
Chili? No, I’m not going to say LoL new phase. I’m going to say LoL maybe no one wanted to farm it, if I cared at all about the short term.
Inflation can only be measured over a longer period of time, and it’s also relative to how much gold a player can make during that period.
Players can say that a potion costs 10x more gold, but it doesn’t necessarily mean it takes 10x longer to farm the gold for it, does it?
I’m still not seeing any actual inflation even though prices have risen, because players are able to farm the gold for those items with less time required.
Nah there were TONS of Chili, just all overpriced. See? You don’t even know what you’re talking about, you’re throwing hail mary comments and hoping they stick. XD You want things to not be so bad under this system so you can make all your gold by doing GDKP runs and getting suckers to buy the gear you don’t need after most of your guild has already farmed it.
Also nothing you said is how inflation works. The Government of a country can print 1’000’000’000’000 dollars tommorrow and throw it into the system. EVERYTHING will instantly become massively inflated. Which means you are either doing the thing that makes all the gold or you’re left out to dry.
You’re openly admitting that ‘time spend to get the gold’ is the key to inflation, which is just your way of saying, “Well if people BUY the gold and it’s quick, it’s not hurting anyone!” Wrong. SO wrong. It enforces people to NEED to buy the gold in the first place, Or NEED to spam incursions in the first place. You just proved my point entirely.
I’ll dumb this down a lot for you.
It’s a lot easier for me to buy consumables now with the gold I can make from incursions. There. That’s it.
Should make the goblin your avatar
Pretty much everything you’ve said has been pretty written down dumb it’s okay.
Sure it would be easier…if the prices didn’t skyrocket up, because the people selling those consumables know you have more gold to give and the value of that gold has depleted in their mind. What was once worth 1 gold, is now worth 10 gold. Hence why throwing a ton of gold into an economy is NOT the answer.
I take back what I said earlier. I’ve never had someone try to twist my words and take it out of context like this lol
The cow has spoken and he said inflation is transitory, time to obtain goods are the same as they were in the begining, easier said the pay has increased the same as the cost of everything
Considering I added the context that you were missing in what you said and you don’t like it because that context turns it into a massive negative, sure.
That’s literally exactly what I said btw. That’s the context, if gold is just surged into the economy, prices skyrocket, the value of the same item goes up because they know more gold is put into the system. I literally just explained this. xD
Time is Money friend the numbers associated with time should translate directly to the goods and services that said time requires to obtain
This is literally a silly statement. You’re just trying to word an objective fact as a good thing and paint the picture nicely.
No the same product for much more gold by doing an annoying activity or by spending IRL money to buy gold illegally to purchase is not a good thing. Typically you want things to be lower priced and more affordable through all activity, not just one activity. Be it farming incursions or buying gold from gold farmers.
Bots are critical to keep the goods in line. Without them I believe you would be correct on inflation and gdkps causing goods to take three times as long to obtain with time. So we have no problems with inflation as it stands for now only thing changing is the number
Bots are some of the worst things in the economy in total, they flood the market and overinflate the goods, meaning normal people can’t do professions to make gold. They literally HAVE to do GDKP/buy the gold for everything.
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Gold can be made pretty much any ways some better than others but at the end of the day it’s of costing you time 5 min for one mongoose potion is much better than 20m the gold farm has never been pleasant
5 minutes to load up that credit card bill is not the answer and never will be, no. Gold buying is NOT good and never will be unless we get to a retail like system. And I don’t think many classic players want THAT.
Loading up a credit card would equate to months and months of time for only a day IRL it is totally unnecessary these dollars are much better used on toilet paper
1 hour as is right now 100g give or take. That’s enough consuming for at least 5 raids
That’s what cow man was trying to say about the inflation
Of an easy raid that you have on farm, sure? No one wants insta-easy farmed raids. They want raids that will be progression raiding for a while and when you’re using consumables every pull, guess what adds up?