12 days for 170k oof that’s a tough goal. I don’t see it happening, I hope it does! but don’t see 170k in 12 days.
If only they took WoW gold.
Agreed I bought them both and gifted 4 i think the old way is better
My initial belief was that you only got the pets if you donated. Personally, I think that’s how it should work…
Now we need 110K in 10 days. Definitly possible!
There’s no way in any world that Daisy doesn’t get unlocked. They can’t miss their goal because that’s not how fundraising works at the major corporate level.
I’m not sure what Blizz is even raising money for. If it seems like a good cause, give a few bucks. If you don’t care, don’t worry you’ll be unlocking Daisy soon enough.
But what someone pointed out (in another thread I think) is that Blizzard could still call this a success even if Daisy isn’t unlocked, because they could claim the goal was $500k, and that the community raised that and unlocked Bananas within like a few days, and then went on to raise another $400k+, conveniently omitting that there was a second goal of $1m that the drive fell short of.
So far $928,280 Raised
They won’t. It would be a PR disaster if their CEO doesn’t chip in the last remaining money they needed after his big bonus. But regardless, the amount needed to be raised isn’t much.
Right now I’m more pinning my hopes on the fact that we’re already within $55K of the goal than an alleged PR disaster; as I said, they’ll spin it that their event raised the “initial goal” of $500K and far surpassed it, “almost” reaching the “stretch goal” of $1M.
Daisy unlocked! Congrats and good work everyone!