Ban the /spit emote weakaura and addon

To me, people complaining about this comes off as, “Teacher! That other kid won’t play with me, make him play with me!” You can’t fix that.

Personally I don’t care about having a boosted character in my party, if someone is bad at their class in a group, I’d prefer to try to help them get better at it than just abandon all hope and leave. I just find this whole debacle funny.

As funny as this is It’ll definitely get banned/fixed in some way since it’s practically illegal to hurt someones feelings nowadays. Aside from the fact that Blizzard probably doesn’t want people that paid them money to be harassed for giving them money…and it wouldn’t really look good for if any actual new players to the game bought the boost and are confused as to why the majority of other players they encounter are spitting on them for seemingly no reason (lol).

Edit: Typo

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Why are people upset over a in-game /spit emote???

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I remember the days when the seasoned players tried to help new players. I remember feeling rich when someone gave my lvl 10 self 5g to help me get some bags and a wand. At one time (prior to server transfers and server melding/phasing/whatever they call that) you recognized a lot of the names you see running around. Jackwagons built a reputation for themselves and were shunned appropriately. I guess the good ol days are behind us.


Emotes can be filtered out of all chat boxes if the mean words/actions hurt your feels, btw


Here is a more imaginative take for you.

People who engaged in consumer unfriendly commerce deserve to be ridiculed so that one day they may engage in more consumer friendly commerce and we can all enjoy a better product. Kind of like ridiculing someone for buying a fossil fuel car to encourage more participation in electric cars.

Just an example not a comment on fossil fuel vs electric.

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Just like a baby bird! I prefer the cup because it helps blend the texture.

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I remember my gf at the time, who got me into the game (shortly after TBC release…she was a level 63 druid at the time) came and got my level 10 hunter from darnassus and then a gave me a whole 1g to spend in SW. I was…unimpressed and my thoughts were not charitable.

lol. I guess there is also something to be said for giving a hand up and not a hand out.

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Are they going to take the fact that different factions are committing homicide on a regular basis at face value too?

why waste time making weakaura/addon when you can just kill them?
so much extra work when you can just kill them

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should have known the terrible gear would get you laughed at before you bought the boost instead of just throwing money around blindly.

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theres no animation whatsoever. imagine being this easily upset you have the ignore list maxed out on all toons LOL

I’ll just /e spit anyway

Classic is a more social game, that’s why people liked it originally and like it now.

Part of being a social game is getting ostracized and looked down upon for doing things the community doesn’t like, such as ninja looting…or buying boosts and store mounts that are totally against the spirit of classic and which most in the long-term classic community loathe.

This has got to be fake. No one could really call the spit emote harassment

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I have /spit macro’d and just click it when I see those lizard mounts. The amount of seething I get /w at me is hilarious. These people legit get so upset and call me poor, sweaty, ect just for clicking a button LOL

What a snowflake of a thread. I love to spit on Alliance who steal quest objectives they didnt help clear out

Spitting on store mounts is clearly inter-server behaviour, just beautiful. Enjoy your spit for actively making WoW classic a worse game.

If you didn’t want to get spat on, why did you buy the mount?

lol nerd (10char)

People spit on me and I don’t care. I just make fun of them for being too poor to afford CE.