Ban the /spit emote weakaura and addon

i sure didnt i was to busy earning a living to play games.

Hm… so probably a low base salary with commission being your primary source. Now the question is… are you any good at your job? I’m feeling nay. So i’m guessing you make 50-55 a year, am I in the ballpark?


you must have some metaphysical idea of a grown adult 'cause lots people 30+ act like children.

Yeah and the proof is right here on these forums. Pretty telling.

Jaysus, Mary, and Joseph.

You’re older than dirt.

I knew Mary and Joseph. Good people.


it would be ironic if we were complimenting eachother

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That’s sad. My job actually gives out trophies. They’re not expensive and sometimes I’d rather just have lunch, but it’s not my call yet.


Fair enough…

Their kid was a couple grades ahead of me.

C-compliments? What’s those…?

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I completely agree. While I think the /spit emote for people having a boosted char or mount is childish… those people can just ignore and even choose to not have emotes appear in their text… at a certain point you gotta just understand that some people get “offended” by anything and somehow their mind jumps through enough hoops for them to believe it’s justified to enforce massive penalties for normal (even if it is childish and stupid) human behavior. If they aren’t messaging you to the point of ACTUAL harassment then Blizz isn’t going to step in. Mainly because you have an option IN GAME to not see it. That’s the same logic as wanting people permanently banned on WoW for voicing their opinion on these forums. If someone posts anything that isn’t toxic they have a right to their opinion no matter what you think and you also have the option to ignore it… funny how people forget how to be an adult on both sides of this situation with the WeakAura. SMH

Not even…

Well, enlighten me then… or do i sense… milarchy?

its better to remain a mystery…

Oh, we all know what that means. :laughing:


Is that like the old-english version of malarky?

Is that how its spelled, I googled it and it said I spelled it correctly… eh… google isn’t fool-proof.

I’m just going off our fearless leader’s ill-concieved campaign tour this past summer. I’ve never personally used it.

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